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Friday, April 10, 2009

Andrej and the circle last night

Andrej Djordjevitch was the medium last night at the open circle at Park Grove. He worked well with the people who got up to give messages etc.
Although the energies seemed low, a lot of survival evidence was given by several people. A few also said that when they arrived they were feeling under the weather, but left feeling 100% better.

On the negative side there were noises of someone banging doors and windows to gain access at 7-15pm. This persisted until it was decided to find out who was the cause.
It was two young girls who wanted a reading. After an explanation by myself about the church they left and we were undisturbed from then on.

The attendance was lower than usual (17) but it being the start of Easter could may well be the cause.
Hope to see you all there next week.

1 comment:

Satans mate said...

Smaller crowd there tonight but all good ,no funny ones if you know what i mean. Good evidence given. I enjoyed it . Thank you all