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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thank you Sylvia

Here you are Sylvia. You can see that the telephone call worked wonders and I am now updating the blog . Thank you for your concern.
Saturday sees the helping healers do their work from 10-30 till 11-30, many thanks to all of these dedicated people who give their time for the benefit of others.
The evening has the Demonstration of Mediumship at 7pm. Our workers this Sat are Paul and Debra Rees. So come along and join them for an hour or so in their company. Gaynor Mullins and Linda Calver would also like to see you there.
Sunday morning service will be taken by our very own Vice -President Linda Calver and the 6pm service still remains a mystery, but I have been assured that somebody will be there . If not I can step in but I must warn you in advance that my clairvoyance is not good, but it could be entertaining.
Anyway thats the weekend at Park Grove. Also I must remind you that it is not long until Christmas, so look in the cabinets and find something you will like for that special friend.

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