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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday Services/ Monday Dem 16th/ 17th January 2011

11am Kim Rogers and 6pm Carol Ellis
Monday 17th January Demonstration of Mediumship with Margaret Challenger 7pm £3 per person


Phil Spillane said...

Two very good services followed by a very long committee meeting. Well worth it though, a lot of work was done.

Jane said...

It seemed like there were a lot of people in church last night. One minute there was no-one there and the next there were loads to hear a gripping philosophy from Carol and see Charlotte`s debut on the rostrum. Charlotte held her nerve and delivered the goods and I hope we`ll see lots more of her because she has a very individual style. I would describe it as a blend of Charlotte, Gracie Allen and I love Lucy. They don`t do re-runs of Gracie Allen and there is no-one like her around today so unless you are a million years old this comment will be incomprehensible to you. Sorry about that.
However do not tell me Phil the Spill that you do not understand it.

Phil Spillane said...

Who is gracie Allen Jane?

Jane said...

Rochester oh Rochester.

Phil Spillane said...

Good Demonstration this evening. Lots of laughs ,tears and and audience participation. Good crowd in as well

Phil said...

Glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much in taking the time to comment on this blog.The open circle is also about the giving of messages. Many people who are developing their mediumistic talents go to practice with the help of a medium. Some people also go just to sit in the energies. All are welcome.

Phil said...

Open circle is on every Thursday at 7pm. You must be there by 7pm because the door is shut promptly. It is £2 per person. The medium this Thursday will be Val Croot.