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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sunday Services

The services tomorrow will be taken at 11am by SHARON FRY and the 6pm service by JACKIE MOORE.
Come along to soak up the atmosphere here in tis very spiritual building.


Jane said...

A lovely service last night. Although as Dave said, next time we sing that hymn we will be better. We could hardly have been worse but a disaster on the singing front always seems to add to the vibes. We must practice it on Thursdays I think. I also think its only just materialised in the hymn book. And that wasn`t the only funny either could this be anything to do with the presence of 2 very young people in the congregation?

Its interesting that whatever happens on the singing front it never throws our musician.

Jackie Moore gave a thoughtful and deep philosophy delivered in a clear straightforward manner. She certainly cleared a few cobwebs from my brain by reminding us that we are spirit in physical bodies and not the other way around.

Plenty of yeses for the messages which included some to be passed on. Surprising that doesn`t happen more often when you think of the number of regulars in the congregation. Park Grove`s very own equivalent to Posh and Becks had a lovely message but one half of this `powerhouse` duo asked me how much I wanted not relay it on the blog. So I`ve kept it short and anonymous and I did not take the money.

Sherlock Holmes said...

Once again Jane you have commented marvelously on this blog.You have got me thinking of who Posh and Becks are now and will definitely have to find out.

Reg Ular said...

I know who they are!!!!!!!