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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Morning

Sharon Fry and Kim(Roy)Rogers were the workers this morning. They have only started on their journey with Spirit and it looks as if they will be doing this work for a long time. They both looked confident,but believe me the Park Grove rostrum is a daunting
place to stand and give an address and provide evidence of survival.
Both things were done to the best they could, with a complete trust in Spirit to show them the way.
Well done Sharon and a special well done to Kim as it was the first address she had ever given. Their work was appreciated by a congregation of 14 people.
Thanks to Ceri who gave Phil a copy of music by Muriel to play between the address and clairvoyance parts of the service, so as to change the vibrations


Anonymous said...

A natural team

Great to see some home grown talent playing Cardiff City S.C.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of soul in the crew though