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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Saturday Special 26th July

We continue our trip around the the worlds foods. This Saturday we do not have to travel as far , because we are in Britain, for PIE and MASH.
Vegetarians will be catered for. I have been informed by the cooks that pies of a vegetarian ilk will be available.
The desserts this time are also from Britain. There will also be good old Custard to put over the puddings.
Tickets are going quite well, so snap them up now instead of risking it on the night. THERE ARE ONLY 50 tickets available, so don't be disappointed.
The demonstration will be given by KAY HARDING who was also at our Asian night, and the girl did good.

So get along to Park Grove for great food and Great mediumship.
TICKETS £5 per person

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems good value to me.I will give it a go