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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


What a pathetic turnout from the members last night at the half yearly meeting. Thank you to all who attended and for the people who sent their apologies, at least an effort was made. The other members please note WE NEED YOU AT THESE MEETINGS as we have important motions to put forward for the good of the church. If you want this church to survive MAKE IT TO THE MEETINGS.



Yes , it is just not a matter of paying your subs then just waiting for the year to finish . It is about bums on seats at all services, and members are conspicuous by their absence at all services. SUPPORT THE CHURCH YOU ARE MEMBERS OF, no doubt you will complain if you find out about something on the grapevine that you disagree with. It seems that too many of the members still think that that the Fox sisters are still on the earth plain and nothing can be changed. WHAT GOOD IS AN EMPTY CHURCH/CENTRE TO SPIRIT.

Phil Spillane said...

Can I apologize to ANONYMOUS who posted 'Notification would be Good'. The comment was deleted as you were anonymous in your post The way the comment section is set up is that you must use a name,any name other than anonymous.
In reply to your comment, I would like to say that the notification of the meeting was given for the last 6 weeks at services in the church, and the agenda was posted in the church on the desk and notice board. The rules were followed and we do not have to inform individual members of the meeting. I hope this anwers you comment.