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Friday, June 3, 2011

Watch Out for Scams

It wasn’t so long ago that those who interacted with the spirit world were treated with great scorn and suspicion and frequently burnt at the stake. But popular TV shows about spiritual mediums have taken much of the mystery out of metaphysical phenomena and many people are now openly seeking guidance from those with second sight into the unseen world.

While there are many good mediums practicing in Brtain, increasing public interest in the spiritual side of life has also opened the way for those with fraudulent intentions to prey on the vulnerable and unwary.

Spiritual Space Magazine Executive Editor Lynda Flower urges people to be aware of possible spiritual scams and gives her top 10 tips based on two decades of experience as a medium and metaphysical teacher.
1. Ability

While scientific research conducted at the University of Arizona has verified the extra sensory skills of mediums such as John Edward, not all mediums and spiritual workers have the same level of ability. Always ask how long they have been practicing and where they did their training.
2. Delusions of grandeur

Be cautious of anyone claiming to be, or being able to ‘channel’ information from, famous people from the past. Remember such claims are also made by diagnosed schizophrenics!
3. Other assistance

Generally mediums are not qualified doctors, psychologists, lawyers or financial planners. If you are experiencing any extreme personal difficultly or trauma, a spiritual consultation is best used in conjunction with, not as an alternative to, other professional advice. Meditation will help to ease emotional turmoil and find inner peace.
4. Life decisions

It is extremely unwise to make any life changing decisions – such as selling your house, leaving your job or getting a divorce – in times of personal crisis. It’s also good common sense not to make any major life decisions based on the ‘say so’ of any spiritual worker, particularly if they are a total stranger.
5. Information given

Mediumship is not fortune telling and a good reading should primarily offer spiritual upliftment and evidence of survival of the spirit rather than prophecy and prediction. There is an unwritten code amongst mediums that information about forthcoming deaths and disasters should not be given. Question the motives of anyone who passes such information on.
6. Evidence

Evidence of survival of the spirit beings making contact should always be provided. Identity is most frequently established by giving names and physical descriptions of those in the spirit world as well as details of the relationship and events experienced with the person receiving the reading. Being able to verify this information will be an indication that contact is being made by those in the spirit world.
7. Self help

While information received from a medium can help through times of personal crisis, the aim of any spiritual work should be to enable people to develop their own spirituality so they can help themselves rather than relying on constant advice from a ‘guru’.
8. Accuracy

Mediumship is not a precise science and readings will rarely be 100 percent accurate. Research has indicated that while accuracy can reach highs of 90 percent, it can also reach lows of 50 percent. Expect the average percentage of accuracy to be around 70 – 80 percent.
9. Cost

Expensive readings are not always the best. Many mediums donate their time to spiritual churches and centres and provide readings for a nominal charge or freewill donation to help raise funds.
10. Use your own good judgment

Finally, never accept any information given which does not feel comfortable or ring true for you, no matter how insistent, or how well known, the medium is.

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