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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sunday Services

The 11am service will be taken by Linda Calver Linda is well known at the church and has served us many years.
The evening service is liable to be changed as things have occurred and cannot be helped.
Never the less you can be assured that all will go excellently.


Jane said...

Many thanks to yesterday evening`s mediums. It is always interesting to see contrasting styles of delivery and in the last two Sundays we have seen how varied these can be. But no matter who delivers the philosophy and the messages there is always upliftment and above all humour.
It being Valentine`s Day the chair initially sought to confirm we were all loved up and raring to go. We were, some of us clearly more so than others. He asked that there be no canoodling in the back row but overlooked the red rose in the front.
Now there is psychic fog and there is full fathom five your consciousness lies. I`ve often wondered why some people get a message at both services. Having listened to Phil the Spill last night taking his message I suspect it is so Spirit can be sure the penny has dropped. We all now know who remembers the birthdays in that house. I bet the family say thank heavens for Pat when they get their birthday cards on time.
We`re all looking forward to seeing you back Pat and sending you healing thoughts. He`s shown us his knee but we know your scar is bigger than his and we hope it is healing nicely.
I`ve just previewed this message and it is coming up anonymous when I know I put my name.

Phil Spillane said...

What are trying to say Jane? My memory is first class .I was told that some years back by someone a few years back, his name escapes me for the moment though.
Jane you nned your eyes tested, it is not coming up annie mouse

J.Okey said...

And you young man need to brush up with your spelling and English grammar.

Phil Spillane said...

And you Sir / Madam need glasses if you see me as a young man!!!!