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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weekend is Looming

It gets nearer by the minute. The weekend I mean. In the morning we have healing then it is followed by the Demonstration of Mediumship in the evening. Starting at 7pm we have the pleasure of Grace West from Little Mill. Grace has been to the church on many occassions and always does a good service.

Sunday sees the usual Divine services at 11am and 6pm


Phil Spillane said...

To the person who wrote anonymously about Grace West this evening. Please could you in future when making a comment put a name and not anonymous then as moderator of this blog I could enter into a dialogue about why you have taken that much dislike to the way Grace, who has worked for many,many years given nothing but her best every time.pop songs have been played in Park Grove again for many many years . If you ARE GIVING A DEMONSTRATION please let me know where I can come along to see you in action.

Mrs P Shelby said...

I attended the evening and felt a bad,can i say vibration coming from a part of the church opposite. The person in question was saying about being a medium for 30 years. Grace Weest has you have said has been around longer ,and didn't it show. Grace is very Spiritual, not like the other person.

VAL said...

A lovely evening by a well loved and respected medium of many years standing. pity about the rude lady who tried to put her own son down when he was told that he had a spiritual ability, luckily another person in the hall took exception to her negativity. and it also gave the chair a chance to reiterate the mediums message.

VAL said...

If the young man above would like to explore his spiritual development I would look forward to helping him on his path. Please contact me through this blog.