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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Evening

Well it was a different type service than the others, as the workers were what you could call fledgelings. Sandra and Phil ( the old fledgling) with Kim supporting them both as she was the youngest, just.
Sandra said an excellent opening prayer and was very professional when she gave the reading. Phil gave a good address of how he came into the church, which kept the congregation interested. The clairvoyance was also good . All the messages were accepted by the recipients. Kim was there to give her support and succeeded admirably .
It must have been nerve racking on that rostrum, but all handled it well.
A big thank you to all who came to support, especially Kim ,who worked this morning.
Also to Jack who gave what was one of his best chairing days today.


Mavis said...

Phil may be an age old fledgling but Sandra certainly is not.

Ivor the Engine said...

Mavis, where does it say that Sandra is an old age fledgling. You must have read it wrong. Maybe if it was in welsh you would have understood it.