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Monday, October 27, 2008

Carol and Karen Weekend

Carol Ellis and Karen North both gave very good services today which were enjoyed by both sets of people who attended.Philosophies were excellent and there was good survival evidence.
It was good to see Jane Best at the evening service and I enjoyed the little discussion I had with her after over a cup of tea and some biscuits.


Anonymous said...

Sunday night is the best cup of tea of the week.
Very impressive philosophy last night and lovely reading of Silver Birch.
I recently picked up a book relating to S B and was interested to see that even he says if he ever says anything that we find unreasonable we should not accept it. I know some of us have had problems with our messages and have been confused when advised we should ignore them. However its good to know that there is no inconsistency amongst our tutors.
As for the reasons for inconsistencies I understand that 2 different views from 2 different mediums can be accounted for by your being in 2 minds about something. Any views?
Re your comments last night you were so vehement I wondered if you are thinking of an advert on the Cardiff buses if so put me down for a contribution.


Anonymous said...

I would not contemplate an advert on the Cardiff Buses as I have seen the ones on them, and have felt embarrassed for the people involved. You can imagine what I would look like.
As to my opinions, well all I can say is I am what I am. I still listen to others with out prejudice and hope that i do not bore the pants off people with my views.
Thank you for the comment about the tea.

Cardiff (first ) Park grove said...

taking of buses !

Cardiff (first ) Park grove said...

taking of buses !

Anonymous said...

There's too much talk of BUSES on this BLOG

Anonymous said...

Excuse me what number bus to I get to go to Llandaft fields please

Anonymous said...

Apparently a number7 will get you to heaven

Anonymous said...

Who said apparently!!