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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Evening Service 7th Sept

You heard audible gasps come from the congregation tonight when worker ARTHUR DANDY gave his philosophy at Park Grove. It was honest, down to earth and above all true.
His wife JACKIE follwed him by giving meaningful evidence of survival.
The change in the church has been quite dramatic and rapid. It is great to see everyone chatting and enjying each others company after the service with tea, coffee and cake would you believe. Cake is supplied by our catering company "THE GIRLS". Come along and have a taster.
Thats all for now ,see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hello, just curious about what in the lecture caused a 'gasp' from the congregation - that must have been some lecture.
Fellow Spiritualist in the USA

Cardiff (first ) Park grove said...

To be honest you would have to have been there to hear his story, which was a truly personal episode of his life.
I along with the congregation felt privileged to hear it.

Anonymous said...

What part of the states are you from?

Anonymous said...

I could not understand the "gasps"