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Thursday, February 28, 2013


OPEN CIRCLE yes another week has gone by, we have the OPEN CIRCLE. Please be at the church before 7pm as the doors are locked and will not be opened until the circle has finished....... so dont knock it wont work. Still only £2 for a good 90 mins in the company of like minded folk.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


WEDNESDAY HEALING WEDNESDAY HEALING. Healing on this evening from 7pm until 8pm. There is no charge for Spiritual Healing but you can make a donation which goes toward the up keep of the church.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Friday 1st 7pm Awareness+Discussion. Sunday 3rd 11am Tony Leeson Sunday Service. Sunday 3rd 6pm Margaret Challenger Sunday Service. Monday 4th 7pm Andrej Djordjevitch DOM. Sunday 10th 11am Sandra Pengilley Sunday Service. Sunday 10th 6pm Ben+Ellie Robertson) Sunday Service. Monday 11th 7pm Vanessa Follett DOM. Sunday 17th 11am Carol Ellis Sunday Service. Sunday 17th 6pm Mike+Jackie Phillips Sunday Service. Monday 18th 7pm Bev Charles DOM. Sunday 24th 11am tba Sunday Service. Sunday 24th 6pm Darren Henbrow Sunday Service. Monday 25th 7pm Phil+friends DOM. Sunday 31st 11am Eileen Roberts Sunday Service. Sunday 31st 6pm Martin Harrison Sunday Service.


WEDNESDAY HEALING. Healing on this evening from 7pm until 8pm. There is no charge for Spiritual Healing but you can make a donation which goes toward the up keep of the church.

Monday, February 25, 2013


The worker is K HARDING KAY is no stranger to us at Park Grove and she uses all of her many years of medium experiences in all she does. We start at 7pm and the cost of admission is £4. This includes a raffle ticket and we look forward to see you . the church does not except any responsibility for any change to speakers. INFORMATION IS CORRECT AS OF WEDNESDAY 20th February


MySNU Following the recent launch of MySNU on the website the NEC would like to see this service to members developed to enhance the membership experience. Paul Gaunt, the SNU Museum Curator, has offered to produce a new publication based upon 'Psypioneer', which would include material which was Union-specific. This was accepted and Paul was thanked for this offer. The new edition of the 'One Union' magazine will be published on MySNU shortly. Application for New Membership As part of a discussion on the current membership application process the concern was raised that membership seems to have stalled at the same level for some years. We are gaining new members but losing an equal number of old members, thus failing to produce growth. It was agreed to completely revamp the current four membership application forms, which were serving only to cause confusion, and establish a ‘one-form-fits-all’ approach. We will also scrap the requirement to provide sponsors for new members; the NEC sees this system as a barrier to membership and, frankly, as many sponsors do not really know the people they sponsor it does not serve any purpose to be sponsored. Education will also be asked to convert the Introductory course into a correspondence course, making it easier for people who do not belong to a Church to take the course. It was also reported that the current two-year probationary period was causing problems for head office and confusion for members, so this will be cut to one year, in which time the applicant must complete the Introductory course, have a district council interview and then move into full membership. It is aimed to create a flatter, more user-friendly system that actually encourages people to join the Union. Interfaith Ambassador Following the meeting at the House of Lords last November the NEC has agreed to appoint Minister David Hopkins as the Interfaith Ambassador. David will work with the National Interfaith network and try to establish contact with local groups, both to better represent the Union and Spiritualism and also to build closer links with other religions. E-Circulation The February circulation will be sent out in hard copy and e-version to everybody who has registered to receive electronic information from the Union. In future, anyone opting for e-circulation will receive all correspondence as an e-version with the exception of hard-copy material dictated by company law. Members can opt in or out of this new system by contacting Redwoods. SNU Legal Status Following a request from members for the NEC to review the future legal status of the Union as both a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity, advice has been received from Stone King, our solicitors, and this will be sent to members with the February circulation. Proofreaders The Union is appealing to its membership for anyone with proofreading skills to approach Head Office. The General Secretary has fulfilled this role in recent years but with the increased output of the Union through its multimedia channels of communication a little help would be greatly appreciated from someone with the right skills. Corporate Image Each department of the Union will be required to provide a hard copy of all stationery, leaflets, documents, publications, etc. which it issues as part of its day-to-day operations. Tim Smith will then review all documents with a view to creating a single image which will bring uniformity across the organisation. A manual will then be developed to be issued to departments and external stakeholders, which will detail how the logo and other Union graphics are to be used; this will include colour information, house style and content. Letter of Attendance/Completion AFC Stansted and AFC Stafford will be asked to look at providing students with letters of attendance to support continuous professional development (CPV), which many students are now taking part in. Platform Accreditation Scheme (PAS) A request had been received asking for foreign editions of PAS booklets; these were agreed and will be provided in German and Italian in the first instance. An annual renewal will also be introduced to PAS students of £5.00 per year. Registrations Office Following the move of the Registrations Office to new premises in Otley over twelve months ago and the success of moving Training & Awards and Education administration to Otley it was agreed that the costs and overheads of Otley will now be split as follows: Healing 65%, Education 30%, T&A 5%. This reflects usage and will be reviewed in six months to ensure that full cost recovery is achieved. Education Courses Paul Gaunt has completed considerable research into the history of the movement as reflected within the Union's course notes. Each course has been reviewed with a view to the historical accuracy of the information contained within it. The NEC has agreed that the courses can be updated to give a more realistic version of events, which means that some long-held beliefs will need to be revised; however, going forward, it was agreed necessary to reflect the ‘current’ state of knowledge to the greater benefit of students of the religion. E-books An audit of the Union's intellectual property rights is ongoing and it is hoped shortly to launch many publications belonging to the Union in an electronic version which can be supported by all the current e-readers on the market. The Union hopes shortly to launch an e-commerce stand-alone website, which will offer all the Union's current books and merchandise, together with an extended range which would be of interest to people within the movement. Science Day Final preparations are underway for the Science Day, which is to take place at AFC Stafford on Saturday 16th February 2013. The Centre will be open from 8.30 a.m. and refreshments will be available throughout the day. Anyone still wishing to attend or any Church that wishes to activate a complimentary ticket should contact AFC Stafford directly on 01785 615513 or tickets can be purchased via Ticketweb. Gordon Higginson Memorial Scholarship To date 30 people have applied to be considered for the scholarship; everybody will shortly receive an acknowledgement and instructions ahead of the planned selection weekends. Applications can still be made up until 31st March 2013 and details are available on the website. Safeguarding Policy Following the distribution of the new Safeguarding policy to all churches a copy will be placed, with the agreement of the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service, on to the MySNU section of the Union website so that members can access the policy quickly and easily. Rules for Churches The new edition of the Rules for Churches has been delayed slightly because of the need to include a new section on employment law for individuals within Churches. It has come to light that some Churches may be in breach of HMRC guidelines for the employment of staff and it was felt important to address this as part of the new issue. It is hoped that the new edition will be available in March or April this year. Church Returns The new format for Church Returns was issued in January and Church Secretaries are reminded that they need to return Part 1 of the Return by 14th February. This simply needs the membership numbers from 31st December 2012 and the fees due, based upon these figures. Part 2 returns will be posted out shortly and these should be returned after Church AGMs have been completed. Anyone needing help with the forms should contact Head Office. World Congress of Spiritualists This is planned for June 2014, to be held in Lilydale, USA. We are awaiting written confirmation from the board of Lilydale and the SNU has undertaken to organise this event in 2014. It is hoped to draw Spiritualists from every continent and make this a regular fixture every four years. SNU Leaflets Two new leaflets are due to be issued shortly, one promoting the Ministry and explaining in a clear flowchart the route to the Ministry and the second from the Philosophy & Ethics Committee, dealing with organ donations and transplants. The leaflet for Pioneer Centres is also to be reworked and updated. Writing a Thesis The Education Committee have now completed a useful guide on writing a thesis, which will support students through SNU Education courses, providing clear guidelines on how to produce an academic paper and present your work and arguments in a structured manner. Accommodation at AFC Stafford A business plan was presented, looking at the feasibility of providing accommodation as part of the Phase 2 development of the AFC Stafford. This was referred to the Finance Committee for further work and consideration. SNU Banners Designs for a new series of portable banners to promote Spiritualism and the Union were considered. It was agreed to purchase these in time for Open Week at the College but they will also be used at the AGM in Torquay and will be made available to any District who is either taking part in a publicity event or wishing to promote the work of the Union at a local level. AGM Torquay 2013 Design work has been signed off for all AGM paperwork and the minutes of the 2012 AGM will be posted out as part of the February circulation. The minutes are also available on the MySNU section of the Union website. South Western DC have already started work on organising this year's AGM and booking forms will be included in the February circulation. Paying your Subscription Members are reminded that the Direct Debit option is now available to take the hassle out of renewing your membership subscription. The form is downloadable from the website, it is printed in the next edition of the Pioneer and it is also available from Redwoods. Once you have competed the form your renewal is managed quickly and efficiently without the need to post a cheque, ring head office with your credit card or fill in any forms; your new card and Diary will be simply posted out. Churches under Supervision Minister June English reported that as at 9th February we have 10 Churches in Category One supervision, 27 Churches in Category Two and 14 Churches in Category Three, making a total of 51 Churches under supervision or 15% of the total. 500 Club The new year for the 500 Club draw starts shortly; anyone wishing to join the scheme with a chance to win some excellent cash prizes should contact Claire Shores at Head Office. The odds of winning a prize are 14 to 1, which is better than the National Lottery. Have your Say: As part of an ongoing policy of openness the NEC would welcome your views; please feel free to email your comments to me at - Minister David Bruton

Sunday, February 24, 2013


The worker is K HARDING KAY is no stranger to us at Park Grove and she uses all of her many years of medium experiences in all she does. We start at 7pm and the cost of admission is £4. This includes a raffle ticket and we look forward to see you . the church does not except any responsibility for any change to speakers. INFORMATION IS CORRECT AS OF WEDNESDAY 20th February

Sunday Services

SUNDAY services at Park Grove. The morning service at 11am will be taken by Kim and friends and the 6pm evening service will be taken Val Croot. I hope to see you at one of the services. This infomation was correct as of last Wednesday.We take no responsibility for any change in speakers.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


OPEN CIRCLE yes another week has gone by, we have the OPEN CIRCLE. Please be at the church before 7pm as the doors are locked and will not be opened until the circle has finished....... so dont knock it wont work. Still only £2 for a good 90 mins in the company of like minded folk.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


WEDNESDAY HEALING. Healing on this evening from 7pm until 8pm. There is no charge for Spiritual Healing but you can make a donation which goes toward the up keep of the church.

Monday, February 18, 2013


A big thanks to all for your best wishes sent to me during this debilitating time. From today you will find that the blog will be kept up to date as I am feeling better and can face the computer once more. Once again, thanks to all who read the blog and would like you to carry on with your input. Hope to see you soon at the services in the church. Phil

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


As I will be indisposed for the rest of the week , I have decided to put all activities for the week in one post. Here goes. Wednesday, there is healing from 7pm to 8pm. Thursday, Open circle is held at 7pm. Saturday, healing from 10-30 until 11-30. Sunday , 11 am service with Leah Bond, 6pm service George Seaton. Monday , Dem of Mediumship with Jan Harris @ 7pm £4 entrance. Normal service will resume on this blog very soon

Friday, February 1, 2013

Sunday Services

SUNDAY services at Park Grove. The morning service at 11am and the 6pm evening service will be taken by ANDREJ & HELENA. I hope to see you at one of the services.


You are welcome to come to healing at the Church this Saturday. It begins at 10-30 and ends at 11-30. The healing is free but if you wish you can make a donation which will go to ward the upkeep of the church.