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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Come along to the all day Workshop at the Church. It is titled ADVANCE YOUR MEDIUMSHIP (all Levels). It is being run by KIM ROGERS and SANDRA PENGILLEY. The start time is 10-30am and will finish around 4-30pm. Bring your own lunch but tea,coffee and biscuits will be available. THE PRICE ONLY £5 per person


OPEN CIRCLE Get away from the boring television and brave the traffic to come to our OPEN CIRCLE. Only £2 to sit in the company of like minds. ! Be there before 7pm as the doors are shut promptly at this time. This time the lovely KIM ROGERS is the medium aided and abetted by Phil Spillane. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Only one session in the evening on Wednesdays. It begins at 7pm and closes at 8pm. Healing is free, but if you want you can make a donation which goes toward the upkeep of the church.


SUNDAY DIVINE SERVICES. 11am and 6pm OPEN TO ALL ( Freewill Collection). MONDAY DEMONSTRATION OF MEDIUMSHIP 7pm OPEN TO ALL. (£3 per person). TUESDAY ( FORTNIGHTLY) AWARENESS AND DISCUSSION. 7pm OPEN TO ALL ( £2 per person). WEDNESDAY SPIRITUAL HEALING. 1pm till 2pm 7pm till 8pm OPEN TO ALL (Donation). THURSDAY OPEN CIRCLE OPEN TO ALL ( £2 per person). Doors close at 7pm prompt. SATURDAY SPIRITUAL HEALING 10-30 till 11-30 OPEN TO ALL. (Donation.) Special Events advertised in local Press and on the church blog

Monday, October 29, 2012

Spiritualism and Science

How is Spiritualism a Science? Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. This study may lead to finding the cause and the effect of the nature of the experiments which support a real and rational conclusion through evidence. The conclusions reached may not be final and must remain open to the light of new evidence, which may compound or disprove the theory. This is true of all sciences. Therefore Spiritualism in its’ scientific aspect is open to continuous research in all areas. Applying logical thought and reason to Spiritualism helps us to realise that there is a Science at work. It is a science in which we can all take part by giving consideration in the simplest of terms, or by more complex study. Natural Law: Everything that occurs operates within ‘Natural Law’. In terms of observing and considering anything that happens we can be sure of two things, there will be a ‘cause’ that creates an ‘effect’. Natural laws apply to everything, including, the non-physical attributes of our selves. Our mind, thoughts and emotions can cause us to act and react in words or actions and may, for example, have an effect on others. It can be seen that ‘a cause’ results in ‘an effect’, and that effect can be the cause of another occurrence and another effect, and so on. This helps us realise that Natural Laws control everything that happens and that spirit communication is not dependant on religion or philosophy. Mediumship is a science with controls (natural laws) that determine how the information is transferred and the process is repeatable, providing evidence of survival of the person’s intelligence beyond physical death. Psychic ability: The word Psyche is from the Greek language meaning ‘Soul’, hence Psychic is ‘of the Soul’. We, as physical beings, have a soul so we all have psychic abilities to some degree, however, it must be borne in mind that our abilities vary across many activities. A psychic can sense and interpret information about a person or object, but cannot, communicate with the Spirit World. Mediumship: Mediumship is the transfer of information from the spirit of a deceased person via a medium to a recipient. A medium is psychic but is also capable of communicating with people in the Spirit World through the further development of their psychic faculties. Communication with the Spirit World using mediumship is a means of enabling Spirit People, some of whom are our family and friends, to communicate with us to ensure us that they: Have survived physical death, Have retained their personality, character, mind, memories, etc. Have continued to learn and develop in the Spirit World Mediums cannot call up a particular Spirit person to communicate with us because, like ourselves, they can choose whether to communicate or not. Mediums do not all develop every form of Mediumship. Each medium’s abilities and qualities vary, because everyone is individual in their personal attributes. ( Read about: Guidance for a Private Sitting...) Mental Mediumship: Mental Mediumship involves the medium perceiving information via their psychic senses from a spirit person. This can manifest in several ways; they may receive visual (clairvoyance), auditory (clairaudience) or sensory information (clairsentience) including smell or taste. On occasion mediums simply know something by virtue of the information having been received in their mind without any form of sensory manifestation. Spiritual Healing: Spiritual Healing involves the use of healing energies being directed by Spirit people, via a medium, to assist a physical person to become healthier at all levels of being. Physical Mediumship: Physical mediumship is the ability of the Spirit people utilising the energy of a medium and others present, to create effects that can be witnessed by everyone present, whether they are mediumistic or not. This type of mediumship was much researched in the 19th century by various people, including eminent scientists such as Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Fletcher Barrett and Sir William Crookes. The experiments that they carried out with mediums convinced them of the authenticity of the phenomena. Modern Research: In January 1991, A group comprising seven scientists, who were psychical researchers, and seven mediums was set up as a research group. It was titled Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums (PRISM), and the research group was named ‘Council of PRISM). The group developed and carried out a series of scientific experiments under strict protocol to determine the amount of information given by mediums to recipients being acceptable or not, with regulated requirements in place concerning the mediums and audience. Statistical analysis showed that the ‘intended recipients’ acceptance levels were higher than non recipients, the odds against chance being a million to one. PRISM maintain they have a repeatable experiment, providing the protocol is adhered to and good mediums are used. Their results were submitted to the Society for Psychical Research, and were published in their journal (JSPR) contained in the following papers: Paper 1 is in JSPR volume 65.2 number 863 “A preliminary study of the acceptance by non-recipients of mediums statement to recipients.” Paper 2 is in JSPR volume 65.3 number 864 “A double blind procedure for assessing the relevance of a medium’s statements to a recipient.” Paper 3 is in JSPR volume 68.1, number 874 “Results of the application of the Robertson-Roy protocol to a series of experiments with mediums.” 21st Century thoughts: Modern scientific theory continues to expand and encompass more that just the physical aspects of our Universe. It has moved from looking at the origins and vastness of our Universe to looking at the smallest particles that hold our physical world together through the scientific principles of 'Quantum Theory'. Today there are many who see answers to the unseen worlds and the 'divine' natural law present in the resulting research and equally those who would disagree with the 'divine' presence and express it merely as natural law. Science and Religion may always be uncomfortable bed fellows and for the Spiritualist, we accept that we will one day have some further answers and evidence, may be not in this phase of life but certainly at some point in the next.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Demonstration of Clairvoyance which will start at 7pm. You will be getting two for the price of one. The workers are Carol Thomas and Leah Bond. Only £3 for entry to a place where like minds gather to gain knowledge of the Spirit World. Looking forward to seeing you at Park Grove.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Sunday Morning Service @ 11am ANGELA PORTER. Sunday Evening Service @ 6pm ALAN HAVARD. MONDAY EVENING Demonstration @ 7pm CAROL THOMAS and LEAH BOND

Friday, October 26, 2012


SATURDAY HEALING One session starting 10-30 and closing at 11-30. Please come along and see our experienced approved healers do their thing so to say. You will receive a welcome that is second to none. Healing is free, but if you wish you can make a donation toward the upkeep of the church.

Thursday, October 25, 2012




OPEN CIRCLE Get away from the boring television and brave the traffic to come to our OPEN CIRCLE. Only £2 to sit in the company of like minds. ! Be there before 7pm as the doors are shut promptly at this time. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

To Where You Are

You Are Loved


OPEN CIRCLE Get away from the boring television and brave the traffic to come to our OPEN CIRCLE. Only £2 to sit in the company of like minds. ! Be there before 7pm as the doors are shut promptly at this time. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE.


Due to insufficient numbers on October 16th we have had to make another date for this meeting. It will now be held on 6th November @ 7pm. It is hoped that members will attend as it is an important meeting as there is a motion to be voted on. If you want to know more information about the details please com to the church where it will be displayed in several parts of the church.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Only one session in the evening on Wednesdays. It begins at 7pm and closes at 8pm. Healing is free, but if you want you can make a donation which goes toward the upkeep of the church.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


On the 22 October at Park Grove we are pleased to say that Tom Dodds will be the worker.. Tom has served the church on numerous occasions and will be welcomed once again. The show starts at 7pm and is a measly £3 per person for over an hour of clairvoyance

This mornings Service

Well we usually struggle to find workers for the morning service, but today we had two! A little mix up in the bookings made it look like the saying, Waited hours for a bus and then they all turn up together'. 15 in congregation made it a fair number (actually the biggest Sunday morning crowd for quite a time). Thank you to PAUL CHALLENGER for a lovely service with good philosophy and evidence of survival. Also thanks to Angela Porter for her attendance and understanding.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Due to insufficient numbers on October 16th we have had to make another date for this meeting. It will now be held on 6th November @ 7pm. It is hoped that members will attend as it is an important meeting as there is a motion to be voted on. If you want to know more information about the details please com to the church where it will be displayed in several parts of the church.


HI all, here is the timetable for services over this weekend at Park Grove. SATURDAY Healing 10-30 till 11-30 am SUNDAY 11 am Divine Service with PAUL CHALLENGER. 6pm Divine Service with VANESSA FOLLET. MONDAY 7pm Demonstration with TOM DODDS Healing is free but you can give a donation which goes towards the upkeep of the church Sunday is free ( freewill Collection) Monday is £3 per person

Friday, October 19, 2012




SUNDAY DIVINE SERVICES. 11am and 6pm OPEN TO ALL ( Freewill Collection). MONDAY DEMONSTRATION OF MEDIUMSHIP 7pm OPEN TO ALL. (£3 per person). TUESDAY ( FORTNIGHTLY) AWARENESS AND DISCUSSION. 7pm OPEN TO ALL ( £2 per person). WEDNESDAY SPIRITUAL HEALING. 1pm till 2pm 7pm till 8pm OPEN TO ALL (Donation). THURSDAY OPEN CIRCLE OPEN TO ALL ( £2 per person). Doors close at 7pm prompt. SATURDAY SPIRITUAL HEALING 10-30 till 11-30 OPEN TO ALL. (Donation.) Special Events advertised in local Press and on the church blog


HI all, here is the timetable for services over this weekend at Park Grove. SATURDAY Healing 10-30 till 11-30 am SUNDAY 11 am Divine Service with PAUL CHALLENGER. 6pm Divine Service with VANESSA FOLLET. MONDAY 7pm Demonstration with TOM DODDS <b>Healing is free but you can give a donation which goes towards the upkeep of the church Sunday is free ( freewill Collection) Monday is £3 per person

Thursday, October 18, 2012


OPEN CIRCLE Get away from the boring television and brave the traffic to come to our OPEN CIRCLE. Only £2 to sit in the company of like minds. ! Be there before 7pm as the doors are shut promptly at this time. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE. The medium this evening is Carol Ellis Officiant of the S.N.U.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Only one session in the evening on Wednesdays. It begins at 7pm and closes at 8pm. Healing is free, but if you want you can make a donation which goes toward the upkeep of the church.


What a pathetic turnout from the members last night at the half yearly meeting. Thank you to all who attended and for the people who sent their apologies, at least an effort was made. The other members please note WE NEED YOU AT THESE MEETINGS as we have important motions to put forward for the good of the church. If you want this church to survive MAKE IT TO THE MEETINGS.

Monday, October 15, 2012


THIS MEETING TAKING PLACE 16th OCTOBER.We need our members to make the effort to attend. 7pm start

Monday Demonstration 15th October

On the 15 October at Park Grove we are pleased to say that Mike Cronin will be the worker. Mike has once again jumped in to help as the intended worker has cried off. Mike has served the church on numerous occasions and will be welcomed once again. The show starts at 7pm and is a measly £3 per person for over an hour of clairvoyance

Saturday, October 13, 2012




SATURDAY HEALING One session starting 10-30 and closing at 11-30. Please come along and see our experienced approved healers do their thing so to say. You will receive a welcome that is second to none. Healing is free, but if you wish you can make a donation toward the upkeep of the church.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


OPEN CIRCLE Get away from the boring television and brave the traffic to come to our OPEN CIRCLE. Only £2 to sit in the company of like minds. ! Be there before 7pm as the doors are shut promptly at this time. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE.


Only one session in the evening on Wednesdays. It begins at 7pm and closes at 8pm. Healing is free, but if you want you can make a donation which goes toward the upkeep of the church.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


On Sunday the 7th October the church was host to a service to give our Vice President Carol Ellis her Officiant award.The service was taken by Minister Judith Seaman( Vice President Spiritual of the Spiritualist National Union. The church was full with representatives of other churches in the South Wales District, other Ministers,Officiants and Family and Friends. This was followed by a magnificent buffet. Can I on behalf of all the members Park Grove church say congratulations to Carol for her award and for her work in Spiritualism.



Only one session in the evening on Wednesdays. It begins at 7pm and closes at 8pm. Healing is free, but if you want you can make a donation which goes toward the upkeep of the church.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Monday Demonstration Of Mediumship

On the 8th October at Park Grove we are pleased to say that Gerry Hooper will be the worker. Gerry has not served the church before. The show starts at 7pm and is a measly £3 per person for over an hour of clairvoyance.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Can I ask all of you who can GIVE US YOUR TOKENS that you will find in the ECHO from today until November 17th.Also if you know anyone else who has the echo ask them for theirs as well. It will benefit the church. The more tokens ,the more money

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Only one session in the evening on Wednesdays. It begins at 7pm and closes at 8pm. Healing is free, but if you want you can make a donation which goes toward the upkeep of the church.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Demonstration

The 1st of October brings us a lady who will be making her first appearance at Park Grove. The lady is Jan Harris from Bristol and we wish he well on her debut. Starts at 7pm and is only £3 per person for 90 minutes in the company of like minds. YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE