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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday Demonstration

Monday 30th January Demonstration of Mediumship with Val Croot 7pm start. £3 per person

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sunday Services 29th January 2012 11 am Darren Jones/ 6pm Les Jones and Maureen Howells Monday 30th January Demonstration of Mediumship with Val Croot 7pm start. £3 per person

Friday, January 27, 2012

Saturday Healing

One session starting 10-30 and closing at 11-30. Please come along and see our experienced approved healers do their thing so to say. You will receive a welcome that is second to none. Healing is free, but if you wish you can make a donation toward the upkeep of the church.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Helen Duncan

Open Circle Thursday

You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World. As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time. Only £2 per person for an hour well spent The worker this week is Val Croot

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wednesday Healing Sessions

Wednesday Healing Sessions Two sessions afternoon and evening this Wednesday 1pm till 2pm and 7pm till 8pm. Healing is free but you can make a donation to the church which goes towards the upkeep of the church.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Monday 23rd January : Demonstration of Mediumship with Carol Ellis and Friends 7pm start. £3 per

Friday, January 20, 2012

Saturday Healing

One session starting 10-30 and closing at 11-30. Please come along and see our experienced approved healers do their thing so to say. You will receive a welcome that is second to none. Healing is free, but if you wish you can make a donation toward the upkeep of the church.

Sunday Services 22nd January 2012

11 am/ 6pm Andrej Djordjevitch and Helena Dyer

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Open Circle Thursday

You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World. As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time. Only £2 per person for an hour well spent.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday Healing Sessions

Wednesday Healing Sessions Two sessions afternoon and evening this Wednesday 1pm till 2pm and 7pm till 8pm. Healing is free but you can make a donation to the church which goes towards the upkeep of the church.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Tuesday 17 January £2 per person with the lovely KIM ROGERS / SANDRA PENGILLY

STARTS @ 7pm


Membership 2012 is DUE

I am sorry to inform all members of Cardiff First Church that your membership is now due.
I am pleased to say that once again we have decided to keep it at £10 and not raise it as many other organizations have done due to the present economic climate.

The membership fee goes a long way in keeping the doors open as does the other services that are held here in Park Grove.
So the message to you all all is Support your Church in 2012.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mediumship is for Everyone, NOT, just a chosen few !

How Mediumship Started -

Psychic predictions and phenomena can be traced back throughout history. People were tortured and burned at the stake for being 'Witches or Warlocks' when in fact all they were, were mediums, healers or psychics.

The first professional mediums date back to 1848. This was of course the Fox family from Hydesville, New York State, USA. This family was visited by the spirit of a peddler who had been robbed and murdered by the previous occupant of their house and claimed that his body was still buried in the cellar. It was proved some time later, when they dug the cellar floor up and found his remains as their spirit visitor had stated in his communications. This was the first proof, beyond doubt, that life did continue beyond that veil that we call death.

The two daughters, Margaret and Kate, realising their talent for this type of communication, hired a hall to demonstrate their abilities. They also travelled around further to demonstrate what was then a unique talent. But it wasn't long before other groups sprang up across the country. This single event is what Spiritualists consider to be the start of the Spiritualist Movement.

There were in fact, long before the Fox sisters, others who had taken up the gauntlet of studying psychic phenomena. Emmanuel Swedenborg, holds claim to being the Father of the discovery of supernatural powers. Others before the Fox sisters were Edward Irvine a Scottish Presbyterian Minister and Andrew Jackson Davis.

During the 1850's a new ambassador emerged in the form of Emma Hardinge Britton. Born in England but moved to America to work. Emma became famous as a trance medium and philosophical lecturer. She toured America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand spreading the message of Spiritualism. It was through her mediumship that spirit dictated the Seven Principles of Mediumship, believed to have come from the deceased Robert Owen, but new evidence is putting this theory into doubt. The Spiritualist National Union are still, however, using these principles today.

The first medium to operate in Britain was Mrs Haydon, who took up residence in England and held séances. But it was a group of Cambridge scholars who, in 1882 founded the Society of Physical Research and pushed the subject further into recognition. The aim was to investigate debatable phenomena without prejudice, even though that claim in itself was debatable. The first President of the SPR was Henry Sidgwick, Professor of Moral Philosophy at Cambridge University, who had enormous standing and moral authority in the intellectual circles of the day. Apart from a prodigious amount of work, he contributed “the weight which his known intelligence and integrity gave to the serious study of the subject” (quoted from Broad’s obituary after Haynes, p. 176). His chief associates in the early stages were Frederic Myers, a classical scholar but also a man of lively and wide-ranging interests, and the brilliant Edmund Gurney, the main author of what is now the classic of psychical research, Phantasms of the Living.

Among the early members were also such prominent figures as the physicist William Barrett; the experimental physicist Lord Rayleigh; Arthur Balfour, philosopher and Prime Minister in the years 1902-1905; Gerald Balfour, classical scholar and philosopher; and Eleanor Sidgwick, wife of Henry Sidgwick, herself a mathematician and later Principal of Newnham College at Cambridge. These people, and their associates, were often connected through family ties, education, friendship and interests Many were wealthy, which gave them the time to pursue their studies, but with these advantages also came a sense of obligation to put them to good use for the benefit of mankind. Like many other great Victorians who applied themselves so patiently for little reward, they sifted and corroborated reports of spontaneous cases, and learnt to spot fake mediums by sitting through many boring séances, in the pursuit of scientific explanations. With their scientific ideals and experience in investigating paranormal claims, they were fully aware of the tricks, the illusions, and the dangers of wishful thinking.

Early demonstrations of mediumship were all very physical, rapping's, table tilting, materialisations etc. Over the years these have declined in popularity to be replaced by the type of mediumship that we see today. Nowadays modern mediums work by using the mind as a receiver and relaying information to those who need it.

Mediums of the 1800s and early 1900s, especially those producing physical manifestations, were subjected to ridicule not only from the church but also the scientific community as well as other sceptics.

Sunday Services / Monday Demonstration

Sunday Services 15th January 2012
11 am Kim Rogers
6pm Angela Porter

Monday 16th January Demonstration of Mediumship with Vanessa Follett 7pm start. £3 per person

Saturday Healing.

One session starting 10-30 and closing at 11-30. Please come along and see our experienced approved healers do their thing so to say.

You will receive a welcome that is second to none.
Healing is free, but if you wish you can make a donation toward the upkeep of the church.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Open Circle Thursday

You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World.
As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time.

Only £2 per person for an hour well spent.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wednesday Healing Sessions

Wednesday Healing Sessions
Two sessions afternoon and evening this Wednesday
1pm till 2pm and 7pm till 8pm.

Healing is free but you can make a donation to the church which goes towards the upkeep of the church.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Demonstration

Monday 9th January Demonstration of Mediumship with Mike Cronin 7pm £3per person

Friday, January 6, 2012

Saturday Healing.

One session starting 10-30 and closing at 11-30. Please come along and see our experienced approved healers do their thing so to say.

You will receive a welcome that is second to none.
Healing is free, but if you wish you can make a donation toward the upkeep of the church.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Royal Family and Spiritualism

Lilian Bailey knew there were people who required her to perform under the strictest test conditions before they would be prepared to accept the evidence of their own eyes and ears, and she always did her best to satisfy those demands, within reason. So when she received a request from a stranger to give a séance at a house in Kensington, she agreed. A limousine took her to a well-appointed property, then she was taken on to another address and was required to put on a blindfold during the journey so that there were no visual clues about the person or people she would be meeting. Again, she agreed.

She was eventually led into a room, where she sensed others were gathered, and was asked to conduct the séance, still wearing the blindfold. This was not a great hindrance, since Lilian Bailey often worked in trance. Puzzled but philosophical about the lengths to which people went to test her mediumship, the medium eased herself into a chair and soon felt herself drifting off into a trance, allowing her main spirit helper, Bill Wootton, and others in the next world to take over her body and speak through her lips.

In what seemed to her like no time at all, she returned to normal consciousness and was told she could remove the blindfold. As her eyes grew accustomed to the light she surveyed the sitters.

Sitting in a circle on gilt chairs were the Queen Mother, the Queen, Prince Philip, Princess Margaret, Princess Alexandra and the Duke of Kent.

This astonishing experience, which happened a year after the death of King George VI, had clearly been arranged in the hope of receiving a communication from the dead monarch, and it was almost certainly successful. But, since she was in trance, Lilian Bailey knew nothing of the conversations that took place between members of the British royal family and those who wished to speak to them from the spirit world. Nor have any of those who participated - unsurprisingly - ever commented directly on the secret séance.

Royal biographer and Daily Telegraph court correspondent Ann Morrow included the story in her book, The Queen Mother, published by Granada in 1984. She had asked Gordon Adams if Lilian Bailey was unnerved when she removed her blindfold. He replied: "My mother-in-law had dealings with all sorts of people, such as the Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek and the King of Greece. So she did not feel intimidated by royalty; it was all in a day's work for her."

The Queen Mother is reported to have continued to phone Lilian Bailey for some time after the séance and further private sittings took place. Eventually, when she came to terms with her loss and was clearly satisfied that the dead King continued to watch over her from the spirit world, she asked the medium to Clarence House one last time. Removing a piece of costume jewellery from the dress she was wearing, the Queen Mother pinned it on Lilian Bailey's shoulder, saying: "You know we do not have many possessions, but I would like you to have this." It expressed her gratitude for the comfort she received. Almost immediately, the monarch's widow returned to public life.

Since the Royal Family have never confirmed the story, can we be sure that this remarkable event actually took place?

Those who knew Lilian Bailey – who was awarded an OBE for services in France during World War I when she served with the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps – are adamant that she would not have invented such a story to boost her reputation. She was already famous and, since the story was never published during her lifetime, it did not affect her standing among Spiritualists or the public. That may not satisfy sceptics.

More to the point is an observation made by Ann Morrow. In writing her book, she received assistance from the Queen Mother and her Private Secretary, Sir Martin Gilliat. They saw proofs of the book and raised no objection to the inclusion of the report on the royal séance. The story was repeated, again without objection, in Ann Morrow's Without Equal: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, published in July 2000 to mark her centenary.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Open Circle Thursday

You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World.
As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time.

Only £2 per person for an hour well spent. This is the first one of 2012


WEDNESDAY 4th January 2012 SPIRITUAL HEALING 1pm - 2pm



Sunday, January 1, 2012

First 2012 Post

Dont forget we are oprn for Healing on Wednesday 4th Jan for thr afternoon session. This begins at 1pm