A Spiritualist Church affiliated to the Spiritualists National Union. It is situated in Cardiff and was the first of its kind to be established in the city
Spiritualism is a religion that gives an understanding of God and encourages us to act with a high sense of duty towards others. Spiritualism stimulates spiritual growth and prepares us for eternal existence in the spirit-world.
Spiritualism is a science because it is based upon proven facts that can be demonstrated and scientifically classified. Spiritualism is the science of life as it encourages the search for truth in every department of existence, in nature and in human psychology.
Spiritualism is a philosophy that attempts to understand people, their physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual being. As Spirit is the moving force of the Universe, so Spiritualist philosophy embraces the whole realm of nature
You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World. As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time.
Only £2 per person for an hour well spent. The medium is Sharon Fry and the chair is a lot better to look at than Phil Spillane ............ Kim Rogers
Another weekend is apon us and it is a great pleasure to have Angela mcInnes with us again. She will kick off with a workshop titled "MEDIUMSHIP EXPLORED", from 10-30 to about 4-30. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available, but please bring your own lunch. In the evening, Angela will give a demonstration of mediumship which starts at 7pm. Angela again on Sunday will take both Divine Services at 11am and 6pm. Monday night will see another clairvoyance demonstration begining again at 7pm.
A family who moved to a homestead in Hydesville, New York State, USA were disturbed by noises, knockings, movements of objects and other unusual phenomena.
The two children Catherine and Margaretta discovered that if they spoke out then the mysterious noises seemed to respond and it became clear that the phenomena were not just random manifestations of energy but were under the control of some invisible intelligence. In a world where such happenings were feared and where religion labelled them as evil, these happenings soon gained the attention of neighbours and family friends. The news of these happenings spread far and wide, at times many bystanders came to marvel at the unexplained knockings and noises.
On March 31, 1848, the two sisters, Margaretta and Catherine Fox, established intelligent, two way communication with a spirit person who was responsible for producing the phenomena.
A committee of investigation was formed and communicated with the spirit who had been harassing the Fox family. The committee listened out for the response signal knocks and they established that the communicator was Charles Rosna, who had been murdered and buried beneath the cellar of the homestead. An excavation of the cellar later proved that there was indeed the remains of a body buried there.
The publicity which these events aroused and the investigations carried out at the time led to mediumship being discussed openly. The Fox family suffered scorn, ridicule, and persecution but because of them advice came from spirit people as to how to encourage spirit communication. The printing press, cheaper newspapers and books, the improved literacy amongst the people, the rail road and improved postal service meant that many learned about this new spiritual phenomena and how it could be achieved. In many homes, groups of people met and, following the advice, were successful in obtaining spirit communication for themselves. And, once communication was established, the spirit people could direct the process and give specific guidance to further help the process.
It became clear that certain people were naturally mediumistic and the new forms of communication enabled strikingly accurate and detailed information to be communicated. Spiritual phenomena flowed from the many Spiritualist groups which provided, time after time, personal joyful evidence confirming the existence of a spirit world that could communicate with those still on earth. In just a few years many groups of Spiritualists formed in America to seek psychic phenomena and to consider the religious implications which lay behind the teaching received from spirit.
You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World. As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time.
Only £2 per person for an hour well spent. The medium is Carol Ellis and the chair is not only blue with four legs , it also has Phil sitting on it.
This is perhaps the more well known form of spirit trance communication and happens when the full co-operation of the medium is utilised. In this form the medium will spend a few moments attuning to their guide, before seemingly ‘falling asleep’. After a brief period the medium will have become an instrument for the guide, the guide being able to use the mediums voice directly. In explanation our medium has simply withdrawn to allow the spirit communicator through and will be unaware of the actual words spoken by him/her. Often tape recordings are made of these sittings to enable the entranced medium to know what has been said.
On these occasions the guide will usually impart great knowledge and teachings, for he is in direct contact with those around him. Questions are often asked and indeed the communicating guide will often invite them. Usually the voice accent is apparent, which would be logical, they are representing themselves at this time, accent, mannerisms and all.
Public demonstrations of Trance mediumship have been given with mixed reception. To hear an individual suddenly start speaking in a foreign accent and speaking of things that we can not often confirm, can for some people be a little hard to swallow. But, if we listen, just for a moment and dispense with our logic, so that we can hear the words, we may just find great enlightenment. For the words spoken by a guide are usually eloquent, knowledgeable and reasonable to out intelligence. A truly entranced medium will not be stuck for answers to questions, though we may not always hear what we expect.
Table turning is without doubt the simplest and crudest form of communication with the spirit world.
Soon after the Fox sisters and the Rochester knocking's, table turning became epidemic in both America and Europe. In England people turned afternoon tea parties into tea and table turning parties. In an effort to stop this mania a committee of four medical men held a number of seances. On completion they published their findings in the Medical Times and Gazette on 11 June 1853. Their conclusion; that the motion of the table was due to unconscious muscular action. A few weeks later Faraday published an article in The Times stating that 'The unconscious muscular action of the sitters was an experimentally demonstrated fact," a belief still held dear by many parapsychologists today.
The usual procedure is for sitters to form a circle around a table. In lowered light or total darkness they should place their hands lightly on the table, their little fingers touching the little fingers of the person on each side of them. This forms a continuous circle allowing the energies to flow around without interruption and directing those energies into the table. They would imagine a ball of energy passing up their right arm and down their left to that person next to them, the same would apply to them and all around the table to each sitter.
Prior to the movement, subtle vibrations can usually be felt in the table, as though it was coming alive. There may also be raps or taps. When it does move the circle leader should address the table firmly instructing it to come under control. Question can then be asked using an agreed code eg. one tilt for no and three for yes, two could be doubtful and four could be don't know. The code is up to you, and quite often they will not move the table at all if the answer is 'no' and only once for yes, as this is their way of saving on energy. It can be very hit and miss, but you must always remain in charge. This method of communication can be very slow and laborious, but it can prove to be evidential.
Ectoplasm Ectoplasm (from the Greek ektos and plasma; exteriorised substance). The word "ectoplasm" was originated by Professor Charles Richet, a french physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1913 for his discovery of anaphylaxis. Professor Richet also investigated a wide range of phenomena such as telepathy, hypnosis, psychokinesis and of course ectoplasm, which he whole-heartedly accepted as real. A man who was one of Spiritualism's greatest advisories.
But what is ectoplasm? Well , we know it is definitely matter, invisible and intangible in its primary state, but it does assume sometimes, a liquid state, often a vaporous, and solid state during various stages of condensation. It emits a smell which smells like ozone, which can be quite unpleasant. So it is a subtle living matter which is drawn from the the body of a medium, and is capable of assuming various semi and solid states, which can and have been felt and photographed. Ectoplasm though primarily drawn from the medium, it is, to a lesser degree, also drawn from non-mediums, ie, sitters within the physical circle, and used to 'clothe' deceased, etheric persons.
In a paper read before the Metapsychic Congress in Copenhagen in 1921 Dr Galey says:
"The ectoplasmic phenomenon is a physical extension of the medium. During Trance a portion of their organism is exteriorised. This portion is sometimes small, sometimes considerable. It is first observed as an amorous substance which may be solid or vaporous; it then takes organic form (usually very quickly) and there appear form which, when the phenomenon is complete, may have all the anatomical and physiological characteristics of living organs. The ectoplasm has become a being, or fraction of a being, but always in close dependance of the medium, of which it is a kind of prolongation and into which is is absorbed at the end of the experiment".
Dr Galey went on to say;
"This fact has been established by flashlight photographs of materialised forms, impressions of them in clay, putty or lampblackened paper and hollow casts of them in paraffin wax. The ectoplasmic phenomena are the same in all countries, whoever the medium and the observers might be. Sir William Crooks, Sir Oliver Lodge, Professor Charles Richet, Dr Schrenk-Notzing, Professor Morselli, Dr Crawford and others have all given rigorously concordant descriptions".
Ectoplasm can also be seen as a fog, and sometimes a slightly phosphorescent mist.
1. You Will Receive A Body You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.
2. You Will Learn Lessons You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons - you may like the lesson or think them irrelevant and stupid.
3. There Are No Mistakes, Only Lessons There is a process of trial and error; experimentation. The 'failed' experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately 'works'.
4. A Lesson Is Repeated Until It Is Learned A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.
5. Learning Lessons Does Not End. There is no part of Life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
6. 'There' Is No Better Than 'here'. When your 'there' has become a 'here', you will simply obtain another 'there' that will again look better than 'here'.
7. Others Are Merely Mirrors Of You. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
8. What You Make Of Your Life Is Up To You. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
9. Your Answers Lie Inside You. The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need do is look, listen and trust.
You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World. As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time.
Only £2 per person for an hour well spent. The medium is KIM ROGERS and the chair will be if well enough Pat Spillane
You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World. As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time.
Only £2 per person for an hour well spent. The medium is Val Croot and the chair is Sue Clements
Karen Line- Jones finishs her busy weekend at Park Grove with a Demonstration Of Mediumship on Monday starting at 7pm.
Karen has given her all for the church and Spirit this weekend ,so come along and give her a good send off. Price is £5 per person
Tonight there is an Demonstration of Mediumship at the Church stating at 7pm.
We have two mediums on show this evening, one making her debut at our church, Karen Line Jones from the midlands, and she is being supported (not that she will need any) by our very own Val Croot.
It starts at 7pm and costs £5 per person
Private Readings with Karen Line Jones
Bookings are now being taken for a private reading with Karen Line Jones who is working at Park Grove this Weekend from Saturday 3rd through to Monday 5th of September.
The readings will be conducted on the morning of Monday the 5th. The first reading will commence approx 10am and there will be at least 5 readings at 30mins each.
The cost of the reading will be £30.
You are all welcome to attend Thursday nights circle at Park Grove. Whether you come for the energies, to develop your clairvoyance, to hopefully get some message or just to enjoy the company of like minded people the same as you, we look forward to seeing you and hopefully increase your link with the Spirit World.
As always make sure you are at the church before 7pm as the door is shut promptly at this time.
Only £2 per person for an hour well spent. The medium is Andrej Djordjevitch and the chair is having a night off, so the Lovely Kim Rogers is the Boss