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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Grove Physical Circle

Park Grove Church recently ran an experimental opportunity to its members by inviting applicants who were interested in experiencing the conditions and energy of a Physical Circle. The circle has been running in Park Grove for several years for the phenomena known as Transfiguration. This is where the Spirit operators are able to manipulate energy upon the face of the medium so that guides and family members are able to recognisably show themselves. The circle has been meeting since 1998 and was initially founded by Church members Ruth & Jack Waklin with Carol Ellis as the medium.
For the purpose of the experiment church members in 2010 were invited to join the group on rolling programme covering 6 – 7 weeks. It has taken over a year to run the programme and during that time the sitters joined in groups of three. The circle has also experimented with lighting, namely red and blue lights, both have been successful with people in the spirit world being recognisable under these different light conditions.
Feedback has been crucial to the experiment and this is where truth, sincerity and honesty apply. Several members experienced emotional reunions with mothers, fathers and loved ones. Upon closure of the circle after each sitting, there would always the opportunity for discussion, questioning and clarification. Sometimes emotions would linger but in a positive way helping to uplift and establish that there is no death and that reunion is possible now and that we do not have to wait until we enter the Spirit world. It is always an honour to be a part of a reunion and an emotional healing can and does take place for some. This is the joy of working with the Spirit world in this manner.
Over the years the build up of energy has been progressive. It is seen that the regular fortnightly meets are part of the preparation process for the more public demonstration which a few of the recent sitters were able to take part in. Again, feedback has been essential giving the sitters the opportunity to analyse the different situation and discuss. The Circle was named one night as ‘The Grove’ physical circle and apt name for a circle that been sitting in Park Grove Church for nearly 12 years. There have been several demonstrations that have taken place with positive feedback within various Churches and Centres throughout the country, Sweden and Germany. Should any Church or Centre be interested in holding a
demonstration or workshop on trance and physical mediumship please contact Tony Leeson (Circle leader).
Tel 01446 420629

Message from President of the S.N.U.

The Spiritualists' National Union

Hydesville Day Message from the SNU President - David Bruton OSNU

Dear Friends,

A Special Hydesville Greeting:

As we mark again the birth of modern Spiritualism I send you my warmest greetings
for Hydesville Day. May the power of the spirit urge you onto realise your dreams and
turn the infinite hopes and possibilities of daily life into reality, bringing us all into closer
harmony both with each other and with the God force, the very essence of life itself.

David R Bruton
Spiritualists' National Union

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well sorry for not keeping this blog up to date ,but in the words of that pop song by the Beatles I will be able too " with a little help from my friends"

Everything seemed to go well on Sunday. I cannot comment as I was not at the church at all(as you regulars may have noticed)This has not happened in a long while.

Marilyn Webb on Monday eveing gave an excellent demonstration of her mediumship. Her clearly defined words of love from the Spirit World came with excellent evidence of survival from loved ones and family of the many recipiants. Can I say a big thank you to Marilyn for her lovely work at Park Grove. Another well done should go to the chairperson, Kim Rogers this time. The work behind the scenes so to speak seem to go un noticed, so thank you all who work in some way to make the church what it is. What is needed is positive criticism not negative. One thing that we are trying to do, is to make gradual changes, that will bring us into the 21 centuary

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sunday Services / Monday Demonstration

Sunday Services 27 March 2011
11am Melissa Jones and Fiona, 6pm Eric and Bryan
Monday 28 March Demonstration of Mediumship with Marilyn Webb 7pm £3 per person
Also on Monday Awareness and discussion Group @7pm £2

Friday, March 25, 2011







20 Park Grove Cardiff CF10 3BN




EVENING EVENT £5 - 6.30 start



Tel : 07758562708 £3- 50 each for buffet

Tel: 01639 841372, 07952268556 or

for evening dem tickets (on sale after 14th March)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The Fox family moved to a homestead in Hydesville New York State and in 1848 they were disturbed by noises, knockings, movements of objects and other apparently supernatural phenomena. Two of the children Catherine and Margaretta discovered that if they spoke out then the mysterious noises seemed to respond. It became clear that these phenomena were not just random manifestations of energy but were under the control of some unknown invisible intelligence. In a world where such happenings were feared and labelled by many as of satanic origin, in a world where religion regulated many aspects of life and forbad spirit communication these fantastic happenings soon gained the attention of neighbours and family acquaintances. The news of these happenings spread far and wide, at times scores of bystanders came to marvel at the unexplained knockings and noises.

The Fox family suffered scorn, ridicule, and persecution but because of them the truth of spirit communication and advice from spirit people as to how to organise communication circles came and has been followed ever since. A committee of investigation was formed and communicated with the unseen intelligence harassing the Fox family. The committee listened out for the response signal knocks and they established that the communicator was Charles B Rosna, who had been murdered and buried beneath the cellar of the homestead. An excavation of the cellar later proved that there was indeed the remains of a body buried there.

The Hydesville occurrences showed that a system of communication was possible and that spirits could direct and give guidance helping the process. They explained, and it was shown to be correct, that certain people were naturally mediumistic and that communication using a code enabled strikingly accurate and detailed information to be communicated. The printing press, cheaper newspapers and books, the greater literacy amongst the people meant that many learned about this new spirit phenomena and how it could be replicated by forming circles in homes and with the guidance of the spirits themselves. So from this first modern example sprung up development groups and spiritual phenomena flowed from many quarters providing innumerable people with personal joyful corroborative evidence of the existence of a spirit world that could communicate with those still on earth. And these people in turn became advocates to the Spiritualist cause

Open Circle Thursday

Open Circle is again this Thursday evening at 7pm at Park Grove.
The worker this time is Les Jones local medium who has worked for Spirit for some years and no doubt brings his slant on all things Spiritual. The chair person is yet to be arranged and she/he will keep you all in order.

Don't forget be at the church before 7pm if you 're late you are locked out

Wednesday Healing

All will be there to help you come along .

Times 1pm till 2pm adn 7pm till 8pm

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Centre for the SNU

The Arthur Findlay Learning and Conference Centre in Stafford

The main purpose of our movement as described in our first object is to promote and disseminate Spiritualism. The acquisition of the newly named Arthur Findlay Centre in Stafford provides an exciting opportunity for the Spiritualists' National Union to establish a permanent base in the Midlands and beyond for the further promotion and dissemination of Spiritualism. Members have asked for some time whether high quality courses similar to those run at the Arthur Findlay College could be run elsewhere in the country. Our new centre plans to deliver a range of courses, at the same high standards as at the College, at an affordable price, helping us to deliver and progress our key objects.

The Centre provides a beautiful assembly hall with seating for 180, a large training/function room which can cater for up to 120 , a training room with bar area, a recently refurbished café/ reception area, a kitchen , 4 healing/ interview/committee rooms, a shop, an office and 3 sets of toilets. Adjacent to the assembly hall where Stafford Spiritualist Church has been based since 1999, there is an additional kitchen, library, mediums lounge, 3 healing rooms and separate entrance foyer.

The geographic location of the Centre provides easy access to large centres of population in Birmingham and the Black Country, Stafford, Stoke on Trent, Shropshire, Manchester, Derby, Lichfield etc., ideally situated close to Junction 14 of the M6, on the mainline railway route which runs from Edinburgh to Exeter and 30 miles away from Birmingham airport.

The centre is to be developed as a centre of learning, providing access to high quality and varied learning opportunities. The Arthur Findlay College will have strong links to the centre. Stafford Spiritualist Church already has established a presence in the area, holding awareness and development courses and 5 day courses. A programme of educational and development opportunities is to be developed including week long, 3 day and weekend courses. Members are invited to identify which subjects they would welcome further learning and training opportunities in.

Residential accommodation will be externally provided. Within 1 m of the centre there is a wide range of suitable accommodation. A package with preferential rates is to be negotiated with one of the local hotels. It is envisaged that the centre will provide a cheaper alternative to Arthur Findlay College. Non- residential students will also be welcome. The centre will also provide a venue for meetings and day conferences for the general public and local community. Already MAC and the Healing committee have arranged meetings at Stafford. Other SNU committees are invited to consider which other meetings could take place at Stafford, therefore releasing beds at Arthur Findlay College. The centre will also be used by the District Council potentially providing some economies of scale with photocopying etc.

The centre will also be developed as a centre for healing. Healing is currently available on Monday afternoon and Wednesday evening, provided by the Church. The healing rooms will also be available for use by complementary therapists.

A strong website presence will be developed with the option to book courses online. Regular open days will be held with different themes. An opening event is to be held after refurbishment is carried out in June. A management committee has been established as a sub-committee of the NEC, chaired by Finance Director Julia Almond. Representation includes the Church, NEC, DC and the General Manager of the AFC.

In addition the centre provides an assured future for Stafford Spiritualist Church. The Church will therefore pay an annual sum towards running costs and repairs. We are grateful to Church members who at the recent AGM have agreed to contribute £55,000 towards initial repairs and refurbishment.

The development of Spiritualist courses to further disseminate and educate is to be the primary function of this new centre for the SNU. This will help us to deliver our core objects.

S W D C Workshop

South Wales District Council hold a workshop on the 26th of March. All levels wil be provided for and it is the third one this year to be held in the church.

The day will be organised by Carol Ellis aided and abetted by Angela Porter. The cost of the day will be £3 with tea ,coffee and buscuits supplied. Please bring your own lunch
Be there at the church by 10am for a start at 10-30.

Look forward to seeing you all

Monday, March 21, 2011







20 Park Grove Cardiff CF10 3BN




EVENING EVENT £5 - 6.30 start



Tel : 07758562708 £3- 50 each for buffet

Tel: 01639 841372, 07952268556 or

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sunday Services / Monday Demonstration

Sunday Services 20 March 2011
11am Kim Rogers and 6pm Val Croot
Monday 21 March Demonstration of Mediumship with Angela Porter 7pm £3 per person

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saturday Healing.

Healers are here as always waiting to help you with with your problems.
You are all welcome to come along from 10-30 until 11-30

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For Becki and Darren


Agor Amgarn ThursdayOpen Amgarn ydy ail hon Thursdayevening am 7pm am Barc Celli The gweithiwr hon amsera ydy Val Croot 'n lleol chyfrwng a wedi gweithio achos Hysbryd achos rhyw blynedd a na amau brings 'i gogwydd acha pawb bethau 'n Ysbrydol. 'r cadeiria berson ydy Sue Clemence a cadwa 'ch pawb i mewn archeba Don't anghofia bod am 'r eglwys anad 7pm ai 'ch 're 'n ddiweddar ach ar glo i maes

Open Circle Thursday

Open Circle is again this Thursdayevening at 7pm at Park Grove.
The worker this time is Val Croot local medium who has worked for Spirit for some years and no doubt brings her slant on all things Spiritual. The chair person is Sue Clemence and she will keep you all in order.

Don't forget be at the church before 7pm if you 're late you are locked out

Healers are Waiting

Come along to the healing sessions tomorrow at 1pm til 2pm and in the evening from 7pm til 8pm.

Healing is free but you can if you wish make a donation to the church, which helps with the running expenses of the church.

All are welcome

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunday Services 13 March 2011

Sunday Services 13 March 2011
11am Marilyn Webb and 6pm Diane Jeale
Monday 14 March Demonstration of Mediumship with Les Jones & Maureen Howells 7pm £3 per person
Awareness and Discussion group meet @ 7pm £2 pp

Saturday Healing.

The healers are waiting for you . Come along and see what they can do for you. 10-30 till 11-30 you are all welcome.

Wesh translation of the post below

Cymraeg Yn Areithio Agor CircleWell a 'n aruthr cenadwri anrhegwyd heno am Agor Amgarn a chymerwyd a da braw anrhegwyd. Bydew cawn at chymer 'r eiria chan 'r recipient fel bu fel anrhegedig i mewn 'r chyfrwng chan CYMRAEG It was 'n aruthr at chlyw 'r dafodiaith yn bod ar lafar am 'r eglwys lets gobeithia damweinia hychwaneg 'n aelaw Thanks at pawb a ddilynedig a ddiolch hefyd at Sharon a Kim achos 'n hwy 'n anawdd gweithia a at St Dafydd , 'r fabsant chan Cymru a hefyd made eiddo bresenoldeb balfaledig.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welsh Speaking Open Circle

Well, a wonderful message was given this evening at Open Circle which was taken and good evidence was given. Well we will have to take the word of the recipient as it was as given in the medium of WELSH.
It was wonderful to hear the language being spoken at the church,lets hope it happens more frequently.

Thanks to all who attended and thanks also to Sharon and Kim for their hard work and to St David , the patron saint of Wales who also made his presence felt.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For Charlotte



15 January Cardiff

12 February Cardiff

26 March TBA

16 April Barry

28 May TBA

25 June TBA

23 July Barry

13 August TBA

17 September Cardiff

8 October TBA

12 November TBA

3 December TBA

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Demonstration

Tom Dodds, a frequent visitor to Park Grove, brings his style of mediumship for another evening of bringing the two Worlds closer this evening.
Let us show him that Park Grove greeting that is shown every week.

It starts at 7pm so dont be late. It is still only £3 per person and with todays rising costs is a great price to see a good medium working.

See you later

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sunday Services / Monday Demonstration

Sunday Services 6th March 2011
11am Eileen Roberts and 6pm Ken Rees Group
Monday 7 March Demonstration of Mediumship with Tom Dodds 7pm £3 per person

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Open Circle Thursday

Andrej is the worker , Chris the chair and all thats needed is for you to be there !

Come before 7 your in heaven, come late we close the gate !

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday Healing Sessions

The week goes really fast and again the healers are at Park Grove are waiting for you to come and see them. The afternoon session was from 1 until 2pm and is now closed.

The evening session is from 7 until 8pm .

Come along you know it makes sense !!!!