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Friday, January 28, 2011

Sharon Fry Weekend ?

This weekend should be called the Sharon Fry Weekend. It starts on Saturday 29th when Sharon and her good friend Kim Rogers are running a workshop at the church. It starts at 10-30 and will finish around 5pm. Bring your own lunch but tea and buscuits available all day,

Part 2 of the weekend is on Sunday when Sharon will do both services at 11am and 6pm.

There is also Spiritual Healing on the Saturday Morning begining at 10-30 until 11-30.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Open Circle with Sharon Fry

Open Circle is on us again tomorrow and it is great to welcome after what seems to an age, the lovely Sharon Fry.

Sharon has progressed very quickly since she started,and where did she start I hear you saying, yes that's right in the Open Circle.

Come along and join in the laughs and sometimes the tears but most of all come to lift the energies and a chance to hear from your loved ones in the Spirit World.

Be there before 7pm and its heaven ...... come late and it is a long wait as we shut the gate. £2 per person Cheap as Chips

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunday Services 23 January/ Monday 24 Jan

Sunday Services 23 January/ Monday 24 Jan
11am Angela Porter and 6pm Les Jones and Maureen Howells
Monday 24 January Demonstration of Mediumship with Val Croot 7pm £3 per person

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Open Circle Thursday

You know you must be there before 7 cos if you are late we shut the gate.
Only £2 each . The medium is Val Croot who has swopped her week. So come along and see what happens.

Wednesday Healing

The Healers are waiting to see you this evening at Park Grove. The session starts at 7pm and lasts 1 hour.

Healing is free but you can make a donation toward the churchs' upkeep

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday Services/ Monday Dem 16th/ 17th January 2011

11am Kim Rogers and 6pm Carol Ellis
Monday 17th January Demonstration of Mediumship with Margaret Challenger 7pm £3 per person

Friday, January 14, 2011

Saturday Healing./ Workshop

The healing session on saturday is 10-30 until 11-30am. It will be held in the back room as the South Wales District Council are holding a workshop in the main hall from 10-00 until about 4-30 pm . The admission is £3 and all levels are welcome.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Open Circle Thursday

Come on all. Get down to PG for another round of the open circle. You will all be made most welcome and hopefully it will enable you to start you on your spiritual journey.
Make sure you get to us before 7pm as if you are late the gate will be closed as the doors are shut promptly at 7pm.

Only £2 each to join in the energies and vibrations. See you there.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Demonstration

Tonight the worker at Park Grove is the lovely Kim Rogers. She has come a long way since coming to the church. Not only has her mediumship and knowledge of the Spirit World has progressed in bounds she has become a very hard worker on the church committee in the very important role of secretary.

Come along and join in the First Demonstration Of Mediumship of 2011. The prices are still the same. it starts at 7pm and only £3 per person . CHEAP AS CHIPS !!!!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Divine Services

The First Divine Service of 2011 takes place tomorrow 9th January at 11am. It would be great to see a packed church for this service, so ome on down as they say and listen to the words of Spirit.

Our workers tomorrow for both services are Andrej Djordjevitch and Helena Dyer. They are also taking charge of the 6pm sevice.

Monday Demonstration on the 10th is with our very own Kim Rogers. Kim is taking the first demonstration of Mediumshipof 2011. No price increases at Park Grove, entrance on Monday is still only £3 per person.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


First one of the New Year starts at 7pm. You know how it works, get there late and we shut the gate.
Come along and meet others with like minds in a friendly atmosphere and great surroundings.

Andrej Djordjevitch is the worker and the lovely Kim Rogers is going to be chairperson.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Well does'nt time fly. The last time I wrote on this blog was last year.

The routine of the church will slowly return to normal this week.

We kick off 2011 on the 6th Jan with the popular OPEN CIRCLE (7pm,£2pp). On the Saturday we have the first healing session of the New Year (7th,10-30 till 11-30).

The Divine Services begin on the Sunday (8th at 11am and 6pm, Andrej Djordjevitch both services)
Monday sees the start of the Mediumship Demonstrations ( Kim Rogers, at 7pm £3pp)