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Monday, December 27, 2010

After the Party Feeling

Well after round 1 I hope you will all be recovered for round 2 which as you know will see 2011 in.
Can I on behalf of our members wish you all a prospereous new year

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gordon Higginson

Gordon Higginson is generally acknowledged as one of the greatest mediums of the last century and he was known as "Mr Mediumship". Gordon referred to Estelle Roberts as the “perfect medium” due to the variety of different types of mediumship she demonstrated to the highest standards. Gordon gifts of mediumship paralleled those of Estelle’s and were equally as wide-ranging in nature as well as being of the highest quality. They comprised mental mediumship, trance control, physical mediumship and spiritual healing.

Gordon was trained from a very early age to be a platform medium and to demonstrate at large venues in front of capacity crowds. His mother paid for him to have elocution lessons and he commenced working in public at the youthful age of 12. He was known as the "the boy wonder" in his early years and he continued to demonstrate his gift of mental mediumship on the platform for another 63 years until the day before he passed to spirit. Gordon was renowned for the accuracy of his platform mediumship and his evidence often included full names, addresses and telephone numbers. Gordon was a master of his craft and would often set up several links amongst a large audience and work the links simultaneously. Gordon worked with many of the well known mediums from yesteryear including Estelle Roberts, Helen Hughes, Bertha Harris and Nan Mackenzie and he demonstrated at many of the largest venues in the UK including the Royal Albert Hall on many occasions. Some videos of Gordon demonstrating can be found on the “Video Recordings” page.

Gordon was also a fine and eloquent speaker and his addresses contained his trademark style and charisma. His addresses also demonstrated his love and passion for the spirit and a video recording with part of an address can be found on the “Video Recordings” page.

Gordon was a fine trance medium and many have witnessed the various guides and mentors who worked with Gordon. His prinicipal guide Choo Chow provided spiritual words of wisdom, whilst his childhood friend Cuckoo and his Irish guide Paddy provided gentle fun and humour, as well as Paddy providing clairvoyance in the trance state. Gordon also had another guide called Light who would make predictions and who only come through once per year usually during the trance address at the Christmas morning service at Longton church. It is hoped that audio recordings of all of the above guides will be uploaded on the “Audio Recordings” page over the coming months.

Gordon was also an excellent physical medium and produced a wide range of physical phenomena including materialisation, transfiguration, independent voice and apports. He regularly demonstrated his physical mediumship in the Library at the Arthur Findlay College to large audiences of 90 or so people. Despite receiving several injuries over the years due to inappropriate acts from sitters, he was not deterred and continued to demonstrate in public. Because of his desire that this remarkable form of mediumship be shared with the public, perhaps more people have been able to witness physical mediumship with Gordon than with any other medium. Gordon is also one of the few physical mediums to demonstrate physical mediumship publicly to an audience of 300 people at the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists. Despite his results, this was one area of his mediumship where Gordon felt there was room for improvement since he felt that he could have achieved better results were he able to sit more regularly.

Although well known for his platform work and physical séances, Gordon was also an accomplished spiritual healer. Together with his healing guide Dr John, Gordon was able to diagnose and provide healing for a wide range of ailments. Up until the time of his passing in 1993, queues regularly formed outside Longton Spiritualist Church when he was holding spiritual healing sessions. In addition, Gordon practised spiritual healing on animals and vets supported claims of a number of miracle cures with cases where all hope appeared lost

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I have been told that the session of healing tomorrow Wednesday 22nd December at 1pm will go ahead.
That will be the last service open to the public for this year.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Carol Service

Due to adverse weather conditions it has been neccessary to cancel the Carol service on Sunday 19th.
The safety of the Public was paramount in the decison process.

There is at the moment healing on Wednesday 22nd at 1pm till 2pm, but this could change. Please watch this blog or phone 02920377630 for updates

After Wednesday the church will be closed until January 6th for Open Circle then on Saturday 8th morning healing. Divine Services begin on the 9th January at 11am, and the evening service at 6pm.
The Committee of Park Grove wish everyone the COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Bad Weather News

Please Ring the church for update of services etc.
02920377630 or 07758562708

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Open Circle Thursday

Come along to possibly the Last one of this year. Judging by last week come early as the parking is very bad , it must be Christmas or something. Phil and Pat will be there to greet you and shut the gate, so don't be late.

Mediums List 2011

The mediums list for January to March can be foundon the right hand side of the blog in the link column. Just click on the link and follow the instructions, it is so simple and painless.

The mediums list for Open Circle ia also available in the link section .

Wednesday Healing Sessions

Take advantage, it is getting nearer to Christmas, so come along to these last two sessions in afternoon and evening. Next Wednesdy there is only one session in the afternoon, and then all closed until Sat the 8th of January 2011

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Special Tonight

Well at 7pm tonight is the start time for our special with 4, yes 4 working mediums on the rostrom.
The workers are in no particular order, Val Croot, Kay Harding, Carol Ellis and Kim Rogers.

The entrance payable on the door is £5 and includes refreshments . There will also be a raffle

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sunday Services 12th December

The 11am service sees the return of Val Croot who kindley stood in last week when the advertised worker could not make it due to the adverse weather conditions.

The 6pm service see the bubbly Jan Lloyd doing her thing at P G . Jan could not make it the last time so people are eagerly waitng for her return.

Friday, December 10, 2010

History of the Spiritualist National Union History - Modern Spiritualism

A family who moved to a homestead in Hydesville, New York State, USA were disturbed by noises, knockings, movements of objects and other unusual phenomena.

The two children Catherine and Margaretta discovered that if they spoke out then the mysterious noises seemed to respond and it became clear that the phenomena were not just random manifestations of energy but were under the control of some invisible intelligence. In a world where such happenings were feared and where religion labelled them as evil, these happenings soon gained the attention of neighbours and family friends. The news of these happenings spread far and wide, at times many bystanders came to marvel at the unexplained knockings and noises.

On March 31, 1848, the two sisters, Margaretta and Catherine Fox, established intelligent, two way communication with a spirit person who was responsible for producing the phenomena.
Farmstead of the Fox Family
A committee of investigation was formed and communicated with the spirit who had been harassing the Fox family. The committee listened out for the response signal knocks and they established that the communicator was Charles Rosna, who had been murdered and buried beneath the cellar of the homestead. An excavation of the cellar later proved that there was indeed the remains of a body buried there.

The publicity which these events aroused and the investigations carried out at the time led to mediumship being discussed openly. The Fox family suffered scorn, ridicule, and persecution but because of them advice came from spirit people as to how to encourage spirit communication. The printing press, cheaper newspapers and books, the improved literacy amongst the people, the rail road and improved postal service meant that many learned about this new spiritual phenomena and how it could be achieved. In many homes, groups of people met and, following the advice, were successful in obtaining spirit communication for themselves. And, once communication was established, the spirit people could direct the process and give specific guidance to further help the process.

It became clear that certain people were naturally mediumistic and the new forms of communication enabled strikingly accurate and detailed information to be communicated. Spiritual phenomena flowed from the many Spiritualist groups which provided, time after time, personal joyful evidence confirming the existence of a spirit world that could communicate with those still on earth. In just a few years many groups of Spiritualists formed in America to seek psychic phenomena and to consider the religious implications which lay behind the teaching received from spirit.

In time, both the phenomena and the teachings attracted the attention of eminent scientists and intellectuals in America and Britain. A Mrs Hayden brought the new knowledge to England and openly demonstrated mediumship here. She was persecuted and insulted by the press and by some in the established Christian church, however her mediumship was defended by public figures, such as Robert Owen, who embraced Spiritualism after witnessing successful spirit communications with her.

In 1853 the first Spiritualist Church was established in the Britain at Keighley in Yorkshire, and the first Spiritualist newspaper, The Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph, was published in 1855. By the 1870s there were numerous Spiritualist societies and churches throughout the country.

Today, Spiritualism allows all people to witness, and learn for themselves, communication with the spirit world. Before, information about such practices was banned and considered dangerous and evil. However, by the events at Hydesville, ignorance and fear concerning the spirit world is passing away and all people can benefit from the love, guidance, and wisdom from those who have gone before who are now progressing in the spirit world

Saturday Healing.

The weather seems to be warmer ,so come alog to Park Grove and get your Christmas healing.
The healers are waiting so come on you know it makes sense.

Healing starts at 10-30am.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Open Circle Thursday


Never mind the cold, it is warm at P G

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weekend at Park Grove

Sunday Services 12th DEC 2010

11am Val Croot and 6pm Jan Lloyd

Monday 13th December 2010 “XMAS SPECIAL”

4 Mediums; Carol Ellis, Kay Harding, Kim Rogers and

Sharon Fry £5 pp including refreshments. Start 7pm.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Demonstration

Tonight at Park Grove is a lady who has been with us on a number of occassions and has always given a good night (no pressure ) . All the way from Bridgend, well it is in this weather! It's a welcome for Dianne Jeal.

So Come on venture out, Iknow it is cold out there, but warm and friendly in the church, and you will be made very welcome.
Only £3 to come in, cheap as chips !!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Services

This morning Val Croot is stepping in to fill the place of someone who cannot make the morning service at 11am. I am sure that Val will please all who attend.

The evening service is a return for the lovely lady from Swansea with a beautiful name, Moya O'Dwyer. This lady made a big impact when she came last summer to Park Grove and we have been eagerly awaiting her return.

So come on and brave the cold as it is lovely and warm in the church. The evening starts at 6pm

Friday, December 3, 2010

Saturday Healing.

Come along our healers are waiting to help you.

Healing is free, but you may make a donation that goes towards the upkeep of the church.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well does'nt time pass quickly when you are kept busy.

Tonight is that Thursday night feeling again as the doors open at the church for Open Circle.

This time it's the turn of Phil and Pat to keep the peace and they both hope that you all are going to attemd .

You know how it works , just come along before 7 and sit in a beautiful energy that will help ypur development , or just come along and sit , either way you will be most welcome.

Make sure that it is before 7 because if you are late we hut the gate .

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Times and Events for December





MONDAY 13th DECEMBER Clairvoyance SPECIAL 7pm


7 – 8 PM






Then Healing closed until

SATURDAY 8th January SPIRITUAL HEALING 10-30 - 11-30