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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday Demonstration

Margaret Challenger takes the demonstration on Monday 1st November. It will start at 7pm and will cost you £3 at the door.
Margaret has served our church on many occassions and has recently started to bring her development group to our open circle so her group can be challenged more, excuse the pun.

I look forward in seeing the regulars and also new faces , you are always assured a great welcome at Park Grove.

Val Croot Day

Well it is 31st of October, and at the church we have a day of Val Croot. She is taking both services, 11am and this evening at 6pm.
Always a a good service when Val is around, so come along and see what I mean!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Open Circle Thursday

Another chance for our friend Kimroy to take charge and do some of our heads in .
Only joking, Kim did a great job last Thursday and a good night was had by all. Same again tomorrow night only £2 in an age of rising prices.


Spiritual healing is a natural energy that flows through the healer to the subject being healed. You do not have to believe in it for it to work and -although we believe it comes from SPIRIT- no religious faith is required. It is a natural energy that most people have to some extent and which can be used alongside conventional medicine."

Our heakers at the church are all qualified healers with the SNU and have years of experience.

Two sessions today 1pm - 2pm and 7pm - 8pm.

Healing is free, but you can donate something which goes to the running costs of the church

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Seven Principles Explained

1. The Fatherhood of God.
2. The Brotherhood of Man.
3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.
4. The Continuous Existence of the human soul.
5. Personal Responsibility.
6. Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth.
7. Eternal Progress open to every human soul. The Principles were not intended to be binding rules or the basis of a dogma but to provide a moral and ethical framework upon which people can base their lives.

1. The Fatherhood of God.
The core belief of the religious philosophy of Spiritualism is the acceptance of a Divine Energy. This force, whatever name given to it, has created all there is and sustains all its creation.
The ‘Spirit of God’ exists within and around everything. It is within all of us: we are all children of God so are part of one family. We acknowledge God as our Father.

2. The Brotherhood of Man.
We are all part of the universal creative force and therefore one family in God. The operation of true Brotherhood throughout the word would create betterment to the lives of many, bringing equality, security and peace. Spiritualists try to understand the needs of others and help all people regardless of race, colour or creed

3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.
Communion with divine energy is a natural and essential part of existence. Communication between Spirit itself and its creations is an inbuilt ability. Spiritualists use this ability for communication directly, or via a medium, between those in the spirit world and ourselves. This is not supernatural; it is a normal activity. The main purpose of communication with the spirit world is to provide the evidence which supports our philosophy. The Ministry of Angels brings enhanced wisdom to enlighten the individual, society and the world in which we live. This includes those who are dedicated to the welfare and service of mankind bringing inspiration guidance and healing.

4. The Continuous Existence of the human soul.
Spirit is part of the ‘Creative Force’ and thus indestructible. Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only change its form. After death the physical body is left behind whilst the soul continues to exist in a different dimension that we call the spirit world. The individual personality continues unchanged by the event we call ‘death’.

5. Personal Responsibility.
In His wisdom, God has given us enormous potential; we can use that potential to improve our own lives and the lives of others. We have the ability to make decisions throughout our lives as we see fit. What each of us makes of our life is our Personal Responsibility no one can replace or override that right. No other person or influence can put right our wrong doings.

6. Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth.
This Principle expresses the natural law of ‘cause and effect’. This law operates now, on earth, as well as in the spirit world. As we move through life making choices, the outcome of those choices affects our soul growth. When we leave this earthly life there will be no divine judgement. We will have the opportunity to reassess, take stock and decide what might have been done differently.

7. Eternal Progress open to every human soul.
Eternity does not begin at death; Progress is open to all now! Any action, or intent to change, to promote soul growth and progression, creates a positive reaction. There will always be the opportunity to develop and move forward, no one is ever deprived of the all embracing love of God.

Monday Demonstration

A return to PG by Vanessa Follett tonight. She is being accompanied by a lady who she works with on many occassions, Diane Jeale.
There might be frost on your cars this morning but you are assured of a warm welcome in the church. So come along, you know it works, and there could be a message for you!!!!

Only £3 per person.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Services

Well a big welcome for our own Kim Rogers this morning. Not only is she the medium for the service she is also church secretary and does sterling work from both the rostrum and the committee meetings .

In the evening we have another hard working pair. Andrew and Lynne Ryan. These two lovely people are from Ystlefera and are officers of the South Wales District Council.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Saturday Healing.

You know who will be at Park Grove on Saturday morning, yes ,that's right the healers.

They are waiting, so come along and enjoy. Doors open at 10-30

Thursday, October 21, 2010

SNU Spiritualism

Spiritualism is a religion that gives an understanding of God and encourages us to act with a high sense of duty towards others. Spiritualism stimulates spiritual growth and prepares us for eternal existence in the spirit-world.

Spiritualism is a science because it is based upon proven facts that can be demonstrated and scientifically classified. Spiritualism is the science of life as it encourages the search for truth in every department of existence, in nature and in human psychology.

Spiritualism is a philosophy that attempts to understand people, their physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual being. As Spirit is the moving force of the Universe, so Spiritualist philosophy embraces the whole realm of nature.

OPen Circle tonight

Tonight it's the turn of Kim Rogers ( Roy ) to her friends to put her mark on precedings this evening. Kim is also the secretary of the church so she will be very good in getting into your messages. The chairperson is Pat Spillane.

So as we say " Don't come late cos we shut the gate" and you will enjoy the coming together of like minds.
It is well worth the £2 entrance charge.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Wednesday sessions of healing at the usual times will be held today.

AFTERNOON 1pm - 2pm

EVENING 7pm - 8pm

We are pleased to welcome back from a long absence healer Ken Stephenson. Ken should be refreshed and ready to help you with his healing energies.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Half-Yearly Meeting

Thanks to all who attended tonight. it is important for the members to have a voice in what the church plans to do . Here to the next 6months and hope that it is just as successful or should i say more successfull in the future

Global Oneness Day

Oneness is More than a Beautiful Word...
Science increasingly shows it is our true nature and
All Threads of Spirituality have Known this to be A Truth;
Life is a Unified Whole with Multiple Dimensions,
Each Complimenting the Other.

Beyond that, Oneness is the Key to Peace.

"Peace efforts will continue to fail until people embrace humanity’s Oneness" veteran U.N. envoy Anwarul K. Chowdhury, the leading emissary of the U.N. Culture of Peace initiative said on May 20th 2010, when receiving a worldwide appeal to the world body to declare an annual Global Oneness Day recognizing humanity’s inner unity, originally conceived by Humanity’s Team.

“I believe that unless we have that sense of solidarity among the peoples of the world, all our efforts of peace and security will go nowhere,”

Chowdhury encouraged Humanity’s Team, who delivered the petition to the United Nations and sees Oneness as embracing God and all of life, to work together with other groups to declare a Global Oneness Day, even before the United Nations takes action.

Which is why we declared 24 October 2010 as the first Global Oneness Day – a day intended to inspire awareness, appreciation and celebration of life’s underlying Oneness in the same way that Earth Day is intended to inspire awareness, appreciation and celebration of the earth’s natural environment. And like Earth Day, Global Oneness Day invites people to bring Oneness into their lives in practical ways, not just conceptually.

These practical demonstrations of Oneness will give people tangible, experiential proof that living in Oneness works. This will, in turn, encourage us all to expand our hopes, beliefs and behaviors so that, a generation from now, humanity will finally realize a dream it has had since time immemorial of a world living in peace, harmony and happiness.

Everything you need to participate in the first ever Global Oneness Day can be found in the sub-menus of Global Oneness Day on this site. Humanitys team have also partnered with supporters across the world to make this day, this declaration of Oneness, indeed Global... Click here for Global Events

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Monday Demonstration

Tonight Park Grove sees the return of the bubbly lady Jan Lloyd. She has been to us on many occassions and never lets herself or her guides and helpers down.

So come along to see this lovely lady work. 7pm start and £3 to get in.


Sunday Services

Angela Porter was on form this morning at PG. Although a small congregation the service was very evidential in the survival demonstration . Angelas philosphy was delelivered in a very soft voice which she explained was due to a cold that has crept up on her . At this point I must mention the Chairperson pat Spillane who not only gave her usual professional performance as chair , but also read a small reading before the philosphy. Well done

Tonight sees the return of Sheila Withers to our little church. We hope that the numbers are the same as last week .

Friday, October 15, 2010


Saturday morning session is on for tomorrow at 10-30. The healers will be waiting for you .

Remember Healing is Free, but a donation towards the upkeep of the church is fine and up to you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have you seen this person

We can expect to see at least one witch in this part of the year,but have you spotted anyone who might fit this picture.

All suggestions on the blog please. There will be a prize for the winner
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Open Circle Thursday

Andrej Djordjevitch takes his turn for the open circle on Thursday this week. Andrej will encourage you to "give what you get". It this be emphasised that anyone who comes should not feel that they must give a message. You come for a variety of reasons and you should take what you feel you want to take from the experience.

The only pressure that you will be put under is that you must get to Park Grove by 7pm as that is the time we close the doors, and once closed will not be opened until the end of the circle

Wednesday Healing

Back to normal tomorrow as we have two sessions of healing at the church.
Afternoon session at 1pm- 2pm and the evening session at 7pm -8pm. Healing as you know is FREE but you can make a donation to the church which goes towards its upkeep. our healers are looking forward to seeing there.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weekend at Park Grove

Saturday kicks off with the usual healing energies from our excellent healers. Session starts 10-30 ends at 11-30am.

Sunday Sevices are with 11am Angela Porter and at 6pm its a Park Grove welcome for Carol Ellis.

Mondays demo is Mr George Seaton. 7pm start and it is only £3 entry.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Open Circle Thursday

Les Jones is the worker and is accompanied as chairperson by Pat Spillane. So all come along and get some practice and learn something off a very experienced medium Les.

You know the rule ----- DON'T COME COS WE CLOSE THE GATE .

YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE !!!!!!!! £2 per person

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wednesday Healing Session 1pm till 2pm


The evening session will take place as usual.

Sorry for the inconvience

Sue Clements (Healing Leader)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Monday Demonstration

This is to tell all who read the Echo that the medium mentioned is wrong for the Monday 4th demonstration. IT SHOULD READ TOM DODDS. The echo have been informed of their mistake , and I am awaiting a phonecall on Monday.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Weekend at Park Grove

Starts as always with healing on Sat Morning. The times are 10-30until 11-30.

Sunday Services are with Lew Jenkins for the 11am and Wayne Pooley will take the 6pm.
There is an opprotunity for begineers to give some messages after the service in what we call an Open Mike opportunity.

The monday Demonstration brings Tom Dodds back to the church for what will be an enjoyable evening. It starts at 7pm and costs £3