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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Has anyone seen Jack. Answers on a postcard please.


You might need a boat to get to us on Thursday, but do try . It is always a good couple of hours and you will develop your abilities in the safe haven of a building where tremendous work has been done for Spirit over the last 83 years.

Don't let a drop of rain stop you from an interesting night, only £2 at the door

Monday, July 27, 2009

Angela McInnes

Angela finished her demonstrations of Mediumship this evening. She was joined on the rostrum by good friend Carol Ellis. The service went very well and you could see that they have worked together before as they started to work with the same communicator at the same time . It was interesting to see the way they worked and gave there messages.
Angela is back again in November.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Parking at Park Grove

Can I remind people who use our church during the week that to park you need to purchase tickets from the machines which can be found in the street.
We at the church are not responsible to pay any fine that you get by parking without a ticket.
There is a reminder to drivers on the Church Doors as you enter the premises.
The wardens are around between 8am and 6pm all week, and that includes Sundays. all parking after 6 is free and you do not need a ticket to park.
If you are a blue badge holder you can park free, but you must display both parts of the badge and show the correct time on the clock part of the badge.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Angela McInnes

International Medium Angela McInnes is with for all services next weekend. She will be doing the Demonstration of Mediumship on the Saturday evening @ 7pm, both Sunday services @ 11am and 6pm plus an extra Demonstration on Monday evening @ 7pm.

As well as above Angela is doing a workshop all day Saturday. This is now sold out .
It will be a busy time for Angela this weekend, so come along and see her in action so to speak.

Admission on Saturday evening and Monday evening is £5 payable at the door.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Attention again

Any comment with anonymous in place will not be published.
Every comment is moderated and any found to be insulting to anyone will not be published.
The moderater reserves the right to manage posts.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday Open Circle

You know how it works , so come along and do it!!!!!!!!!. How you say! Its a kind of magic .

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Meditation 13th July

The Boomtown Rats sang "I don't like Mondays"

But if they came to a Monday Meditation at Park Grove then they would "not be singing anymore ...not be singing anymore"; as we had another really nice circle evening

Even with having to put up with rappings from the other side........... of the door that is!

Interested in learning more? Well we'll be back in 2 weeks time on the 27th July to tell you what happened

Friday, July 10, 2009

Weekend at Park Grove

Kicks off with healing in the morning, so come and get the benifits of these good people. Saturday evening sees the return of popular medium Christopher Heath. To be honest, at this moment of writing we have been unable to contact him to confirm him coming. You can rest assure though that we will have people standing by to take his place, but let us hope he turns up.

On Sunday both services will be taken by that lovely lady Angela Porter. Angela has been to Park Grove many times and we always look forward to seeing her.

We always look forward to seeing you, so come along and enjoy the services.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Comes around fast doesn't it. Come along and see what you can do ,you may surprise yourself.
Only £2 per person . we are waiting to see you . Don't forget be there before 7pm or you will be locked out.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Weekend at Park Grove

There is a good weekend beckoning at the church. Saturdays demonstration is with Carol Ellis, who is just back from working in Sweden. There could be others working with her if she can persuade the right people.

on the Sunday we have the return of Val Croot for the 11am service and at 6pm Carol makes another appearance, this time with a lady who has come a long way to be with us. Jane Stephens hails from New Zeal and and is a psychic artist. Carol and Jane will put their skills together to do the service.

Well all is set for a great weekend. Come along , you know it makes sense

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


The week really goes by very quickly indeed these days.It is another Thursday night that no doubt will be very interesting.
Come along and feel free to join in with the energies.