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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Evening

Well it was a different type service than the others, as the workers were what you could call fledgelings. Sandra and Phil ( the old fledgling) with Kim supporting them both as she was the youngest, just.
Sandra said an excellent opening prayer and was very professional when she gave the reading. Phil gave a good address of how he came into the church, which kept the congregation interested. The clairvoyance was also good . All the messages were accepted by the recipients. Kim was there to give her support and succeeded admirably .
It must have been nerve racking on that rostrum, but all handled it well.
A big thank you to all who came to support, especially Kim ,who worked this morning.
Also to Jack who gave what was one of his best chairing days today.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sunday Morning

This weekend has a local theme . Sharon Fry (alias Karen)and Kim Rogers(alias Roy) are the workers. They have both come on in leaps and bounds and it is always a pleasure to see them work.
Park Grove is their ' home church' and they have never let us down in their in the way they do the services. so girls No Pressure , and i will be in the front row watching the way you work, Ha Ha.
See you both there.

Saturday Demonstration

Linda Calver and Cath Kelly worked very hard tonight and the survival evidence was second to none.
Up against tv programme Britains Got Talent, it was just as good in my opinion as the programme.
Energies were low but did not deter the workers. Well done to you both.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Waiting patiently tomorrow will be our healers. They will be there to help all who are in need of their help. You know the times so come along to see what they can do for you.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jane Young/ Sheila Withers

The Sun might have been shining outside but the love and warmth was in abundance inside. - and no the radiators were NOT on!

All those attending tonight; walked away in high spirits after the hearing all the detailed messages given by Jane and Sheila - a real pleasure to Chair for them tonight.

Carol Ellis at Park Grove

A very welcome return to Carol who has just spent a week in Sweden. No not on holiday but working for Spirit.
Her address was very much to the point and understandable by all. This was followed by excellent survival evidence.
The morning marked the second service that our treasurer Pat has chaired. She did extremely well once again, so please keep it up.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Grace West at Park Grove

Grace West came to Park Grove again and gave a wonderful demonstration. She was jovial throughout her many messages that were given. Intermingled with the messages were chats about her experiences in many years of working with Spirit.
The evening was a joy to witness and Grace continues to fly the flag for Spirit in her own down to earth way.

A lovely evening

Friday, May 22, 2009

Weekend is Looming

After another successful Thursday Open Circle we can look forward to another good weekend at the Church.
As you all know there is healing in the morning from 1o-30 until 11-30. In the evening there is the demostration of mediumship which stars at 7pm. The worker this Saturday is Grace West. She is always welcome at Park Grove so come along and see her work.
Sunday morning sees the Church sec Carol Ellis doing her bit after a very busy period of working in Sweden.
The evening service brings back Jane Young and Sheila Withers. They should have been with us earlier in the year,but had to cancel due to ill health. Both are now fully fit and looking forward to the service on Sunday

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It is close to that time again. You can get up and see how you are all developing. Just get there before 7pm as you all know and Bobs your Uncle and Fannys your aunt. Come along ,you know you like it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Come along tomorrow for Healing. Our dedicated workers are waiting to be of service. It is free but you are welcome to make a donation which goes to the upkeep of the church. See the right side of the blog and click on basic information for the times.

Jack Webber

Thought you might find interesting. If you click on the alec Harris link on right hand side ther is a Jack Webber link at bottom of page. Enjoy

Jack Webber Photos

New Link added

Take a look at the link that I have added to the blog. You can find it on the right hand side . Have a look and give your comments

Monday, May 18, 2009

Meditation Group

Come along tonight and leave all your materialistic problems at home. Where else can you get an experience for just £2 .You will meet people of like minds in aplace that has an atmosphere second to none.
Come along and share the evening with us, you will be made very welcome.

Sunday Evening

Little bubbly Jan Lloyd was the worker this evening. There were lots of laughter and giggles as always when this young lady visits.
Jan has that personality that makes you smile and that lifts the vibrations and energies. Her survival evidence was spot on as usual and a good night was had.
It is good to see more people staying for tea and a chat after the service. The atmosphere is excellent at the church.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Morning

The congregation of 24 were given a service which the worker Joan Lambert should be proud of. From the opening prayer through to the closing prayer the message of true spirit was given.
Joan was back at Park Grove after many years and what a return it was.
Simple, yet profound philosophy and accurate evidence of survival, went along with the theme of love, which was evident through the service.
Thank you Joan for coming to Park Grove on your, what inevitably will be the first of many other appearances on what is your second time around for the cause of Spiritualism.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Weekend at Park Grove

Another weekend is upon us,and the healers will be at their posts to greet you on Saturday morning.

In the evening the Mediumship Demonstration is with Rose Chard from Newport. Only £3 per person on the door.

Sunday services will be taken by Joan Lambert at 11am and by Jan Lloyd at 6pm.

It is always great to meet new people so come along and feel the energies

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Its that time again. Yes if its Thursday,before 7pm it must be open circle.
Val Croot will be in charge tomorrow , so the energies should be high

Monday, May 11, 2009

After thoughts

On the weekend just gone. Your thoughts please , all you who came on the Saturday to the healing in the morning, or the Demonstration in the evening.
Comments from those who attended the Divine Services on the Sunday. Send your thoughts, go on be a devil for once in your life. Come on VAL give us your thoughts.

So get those fingers typing you know it makes sense!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Weekend at Park Grove

There is the usual healing at 10-30am. and in the evening the Demonstration will be with Mike Davies. Mike is bringing along a young girl called Page, he brought her once before. She will sing the 2 songs in the service. No doubt she will be made very welcome.

Sunday should be a Val day,as Val Croot will be taking the two services at 11am and 6pm. Always a pleasure to see Val on the Rostrum, even when she is chairing.


Come on all you circlers, today's your day.Be there before 7pm and you will be able to join us around the energies in the church.
Only £2 on the door and in this day's recession crisis it really is cheap as chips.
So come along and meet people with like minds and enjoy the atmosphere, You know it makes sense.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Meditation .

Even though it is a bank holiday the meditation group will still be happening at the church. Jack has told me that he is raring to go and does not want to waste time with bank holidays.

So come on the regulars, see you there.

Weekend Services

The demonstation on Saturday is with worker Tom Dodd. Tom has been to the church on several occassions and is always made welcome

There is a change to our worker on Sunday morning,. Linda Calver has once again jumped in to help and will take the 11am service. Thank you Linda.

The 6pm service sees the return of husband and wife team George and Jacqui Brown. You are assured of a happy go lucky atmosphere with these two.

So come along and join in , we looking forward to seeing you.