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Friday, January 30, 2009


In the morning there is the usual gathering of the Church healers who once again give of their talents to help the the people who are in need of healing. They will be waiting to see you from 10-30 until 11-30 in the morning.

The evening brings the Demonstration of mediumship. There is a change in the worker , this time it is Pat Rees. She kindly volunteered her services when the original worker cried off with sickness.
Thank you Pat for standing in.
The fun starts at 7pm so come along, it is good value for £3.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Meditation and Discussion Group

This is tonight at Park Grove, all are welcome. Only £2 on the door. Ideal to find out more about spiritualism and meet some interesting people. Come along , you Know it will make some sense and a change to the daily grind of this materialistc life we lead.
See you there


Another Sunday when church goers were spoilt, with excellent morning and evening services.
The morning worker was a young lady, Emma Coles who has come through the open circle route to the rostrum, and this was the second service she had given at Park Grove
Her philosophy was very good and covered the seven principles of Spiritualism. This was spoken with clear diction and confidence. Her survival evidence was good and precise. One of the congregation congratulated Emma on her address and said it was said with a maturity above her years. Well done Emma, you will have a very positive and fulfilling future working with spirit.

The evening service was taken by Nick and Anne. a good service. The reading was quite stirring and the Annes' address complimented it greatly. Nick gave evidence to two ladies which brought some tears as he passed on messages from loved ones. Thank you both for your hard work and dedication in the cause of spirit

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday Evening Demonstration

Eric Jones and Bryan Morris gave 43 people something to think about last night. One of the congregation said " They gave excellent survival evidence and gave a lot of messages to many people".Eric always starts the evening with a little philosophy and then goes into the clairvoyance with a bang so to speak.
The good news is that they will be back again later in the year.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Don't forget Open Circle on Thursday and don't forget to be there before 7pm as it is then that doors are shut.
Come along and see if you have some psychic abilities that could be developed into something a little bigger. Only £2 on the door

Wednesday Healing

Hope you dodged the showers today and took advantage of our excellent healers at park Grove. Healing is always free of charge, but if you want you can make a donation which goes towards the upkeep of the church. Healing times are ; Saturdays 10-30 until 11-30am and there are two sessions on Wednesday at 1pm until 2pm and 7pm until 8pm

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


When people think of Mediums they usually visualise people wearing long flowing gowns in a séance, sat round a table holding hands with the people they are doing a reading for . Mediums are just ordinary people who usually have everyday jobs and families. A Medium is just a link between this world and the spirit world, and everybody alive has Mediumistic capabilities of some kind.
There are a number of forms of Mediumship some of which we will cover in this issue and others in future issues. Mediumship can be divided into two types, Mental Mediumship and Physical Mediumship. Mental Mediumship can be split into three more categories, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience.
Mental Mediumship uses our Psychic senses for the communication between the two worlds, whereas Physical Mediumship endeavours to have those in the spirit world communicate through some Physical means.

Clairvoyance. A person who is Clairvoyant can see Spirits. This usually means they see the person communicating in their minds eye, which can be in the form of a picture or like watching a television in your head. Some Mediums can see Spirits with their Physical eyes as if there is another person in the same room as themselves. The Medium will then describe what they see to whoever is having a reading. It is not always people that Mediums see, it can also be animals or even objects and symbols. Some objects will be given to the Medium to be interpreted symbolically.

Clairaudience. With this form of Mediumship the person hears the spirit communicating with them. Again this can be voices in the Mediums head or thoughts running through the mind. Sometimes a Medium will actually hear someone talking to them with their physical ears. The medium will not only "hear" voices but can also be given music or singing.

Clairsentience. This in some schools of Mediumship is the most common form and experienced very often by people just beginning to understand the gift that they have. This type of Mediumship takes the form of the Medium sensing a spirit presence, usually through feelings. Mediums often feel as if they are being touched, feelings of cold or slight breezes wafting past them. Sometimes they can have the feeling of cobwebs on their face or can even smell fragrances associated with the spirit presence of their time on earth.

Mediums will use one or more of these forms of communication in order to convey messages from the spirit world.

Physical Mediumship is not as common today as it was in Victorian times and the early twentieth century. The types of Physical phenomenon usually encountered are Transfiguration, Ectoplasm, "Voice Trumpets", Materialisation and Apports


Spiritualism is a religion founded in part on the writings of the Swedish mystic Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772).[1] It is theistic, postulating a belief in God, but the distinguishing feature is belief that spirits of the dead can be contacted, either by individuals or by gifted or trained "mediums", who can provide information about the afterlife.[2]

Spiritualism developed in the United States and reached its peak growth in membership from the 1840s to the 1920s, especially in English-language countries.[3][4] By 1897, it was said to have more than eight million followers in the United States and Europe,[5] mostly drawn from the middle and upper classes.

The religion flourished for a half century without canonical texts or formal organization, attaining cohesion by periodicals, tours by trance lecturers, camp meetings, and the missionary activities of accomplished mediums. Many prominent Spiritualists were women. Most followers supported causes such as the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage.[3] By the late 1880s, credibility of the informal movement weakened, due to accusations of fraud among mediums, and formal Spiritualist organizations began to appear.[3] Spiritualism is currently practiced primarily through various denominational Spiritualist Churches in the United States and United Kingdom.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday Evening Service 19th Jan 09

A big thank you to Mike Davies from Caerphilly.

Who DID turn up to provide evidence and upliftment to the 22 people who attended the evening service.

Lots of humour and energy during the service made it a a very enjoyable eveing (Well I had a good time anyway!) Also I'd like to thank Tom and Bernard who were in fine voice with getting the vibration up to maximum volume.

ps Thanks also to Carol Ellis for her exemplary tea and coffee making skills. Phil we might have to turn the heating down as it was such a cosy atmosphere after the service we had to call last orders!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Morning

Well the problem of Saturday carried on today, when the worker failed to make it to the church.
This did not effect the running of things though, Phil Spillane ( chairperson) took the service and along with Kim and Chris( two lovely ladies) showed how well the church is doing regarding mediums etc.
Phil gave a very personal philosophy on how he got to the church, and then surprised himself with his evidence of survival.

Phil would like to thank Kim and Chris for their support and also a huge thank you to the congregation who helped by sending positive thoughts to the rostrum. I must not forget Spirit in all this as it was obvious that they had a great influence on the occasion.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Demonstration

Well, the stand ins tonight did very well. Many thanks to local mediums from park grove Church who saved the day, or should I say evening. Carol Ellis and Linda Calver came to the rescue when the advertised medium did not turn up. They both gladly jumped into the deep end so to speak and kept 54 people watching and hearing evidence that only family would know.
There was plenty of laughter and at the beginning, the music started to lower the volume all by itself, or did it have some help.
The pace gradually got faster as the evening went on. The audience went away well and truly satisfied and should return another Saturday.
Once again tremendous thanks to the two ladies ,Carol and Linda

Friday, January 16, 2009

Healing Saturday mornings

Don't forget that our dedicated healers are waiting to see youat the church every Saturday morning between 10-30 and 11-30 am.
Healing is free , but you can make a donation if you want to. This donation goes toward the upkeep of the church
Come along, all are welcome.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Saturday night

I have been trying to contact Gail Osbourne since last Sunday and still have not succeeded. Gail is the worker for Saturday night and lets hope she can make it.

All your best positive thoughts please to send out in the ether , it might work.

Open Circle tonight

Dont let the rain put you off get along to open circle.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Meditation and Discussion Group

Back tonight with a bang ( in a good way I mean). Chairperson is the Salsa king from North Wales---------- that's right J.W-W, or better known by some as "pillock "(Jane he will get you back you know).
All who are interested should come along , only £2 on the door

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Val Croot ---------Part 2

Val Croot although really under the weather continued with her service from this morning and put up a fine show although the presence of jelly fish and a boars head tried to interfere. The survival evidence given was excellent and her philosophy outstanding as it came direct from spirit.

Thank you Val for all the hard work you did today even though you were coughing like a good one.

Val Croot----- Part 1

Another good service by Val (hates to be called Valerie) Croot. The address she gave was wonderful in its simplicity, (no Val I am not calling you simple).The survival evidence was spot on and a variety of messages were given to 3 recipients. Some relating to support and some saying that they will be close in times of trouble. Thank you Val for part 1, back tonight for the second part.

Mike Cronin

Mike gave his usual demonstration on Saturday. A crowd of 34 listened and were amazed at the evidence that Mike gave . He would be the first to say that his guides on the other side gave the show, but never the less thank you Mike for a good evening

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Sunday Morning Service 2009

Val Croot has the honor of taking the first Sunday Divine Service of 2009. She will also be taking the Evening service. Val is always welcome at Park Grove where she is a member of the present committee and is always striving to make things that happen at the church is for the benefit of the Church members.
She has a no nonsense style of mediumship and a reputation of always having interesting and philosophy that makes you think.
So all you Sunday morning regulars come along and listen to what Spirit has to give through Val.

Saturday Demonstration at Park Grove

Local medium Mike Cronin will be the worker on Saturday. As you know it starts at 7pm
and all are welcome to attend for the small fee of £3, payable at the door.
In this time of financial stress the £3 is a good deal for the quality evidence you will be receiving from our Medium Mike. He has a no nonsense style, and everyone in the church will be able to hear what he says, microphones are not needed for Mike.
So come along to a friendly atmospheric place which is warm and welcoming and enjoy a good hour and a half in the company of people with open minds. You know it makes sense!!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Evening Service

A good start to services for 2009 Sunday services this evening as Gaynor Mullins and Linda Calver gave a very happy and interesting evening .
Evidence of survival was good and philosophy was up to standard. It was good to see a good number of people in the church.
At one stage in the demonstration, Gaynor was describing her link,when she said that " He is not like Phil (the Chairprson) he is more dignified. Phil has notified his solicitors so watch this space for future news.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Membership Renewal Time Again

Yes,it is a new year and that means your membership fees are now due.
There are various ways of paying. You can pay by cheque or cash.
If you decide to pay by cheque, please make the fee of £10 payable to Cardiff first Spiritualist Church.
The committee will be available to take membership fees at most services. You can also send cheques to the following address, The Treasurer
7 Hereford Street
CF11 6TA
You can also send it to the church address, Park Grove Spiritualist Church
Park Grove
CF10 3BN

Thank you for your continued support